Chapter 27: The bet

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I was changing when I heard a knock on the door. Weird, I thought he was going to come by later but it's alright I guess. I opened the door. "Hey Y/N." Vin Jin said. "Hi come in and just chill for a second." I said letting him enter. He enters and saw a bunch of products. "Y/N what's this?" He said pointing at them. I turned and see about what he was talking about and it was the face mask products that I bought. "Oh, this? It's a face mask product that I bought. I thought it would be fun for me to try it." I said. "How about we both try it." I smiled and he looked at me as if I was going to go insane. "What? It's going to be fun." I chuckled. "Uh no." Vin Jin said. "Please, We haven't hung out in a long time." "No." "Party pooper." I crossed my arms and took my products.

"Fine I'll do it myself then." I walked past him and went to my room he followed me to my room as well. My room was a bit of a mess because of clothes and homework but overall it was a pretty nice room, with LED lights, a desk, a Tv with the Nintendo switch plugged in, and my favorite my big comfy bed. "So this is your room." Vin Jin said. "Oh yeah, you haven't gone to my room yet after a year of being friends." I chuckled. "So welcome to my room aka my favorite place where I can express my emotion without anyone knowing." I said "Huh interesting way to say it I guess."

"Mhm." I said as I was taking the cap of the creme mask product. I sniffed it and my god it smelled like mint. "Oh lord Im going to be in love with that smell. Here smell it." I pass the creme to him and he sniffed it as well. "Yeah that smells good alright." "Vin please just try it with me just this once." I said as I set up my stuff. "Ugh fine! Just this once but I won't take off my sunglasses." "Fine as long as your doing this with me." I rolled my eyes. "I'm just saying you don't have to hide your face, your handsome the way you are." I smiled "..." He looked at me as if I'm crazy or something. "Did you just call me handsome? I mean I know I am." Vin Jin then quickly smirks. "What? I'm not going to lie." I smiled and shrugged. I walk towards him. "You gotta take your hat off and here sit down." I said as I took off his hat and threw it on my bed. Vin Jin sat on my bed. I took off my hair tie from my hair (if you do have a hair tie if not use a hair clip or something). I went closer to him and as I was about to tie his hair he leans back, away from me. "What are you going to do with my hair?" He said as he guards his head. "I'm going to tie your hair up because your hair is going to be in the way goofy. Now come closer I can't reach your head." "I don't want to look like a troll though." "Dude you will look like a troll for like an ten to fifteen minutes as I put this on you." "You know what? Just do whatever you with to my hair." He looks at me with annoyance. I went closer to him and tied his hair up. I gotta say, he does look like a troll or a unicorn. I giggled at the way I tied his hair up.

"There, you look beautiful." I giggled at his hair now. "Y/N stop laughing!" He said. "Wait, wait." I picked up my phone and quickly took a picture of him. "Hey did you just take a picture?!" "Pfft uhhh no I took a selfie of myself." I lied to him. "Mhm sure I'll let you slide on that one." he said.  "Since this is going to be a bit of a long process wanna put music?" "Sure." I nodded and put on my playlist. "Ok let me grabbed another hair tie for myself real quick before we start." I said as I walked to the bathroom. I grabbed my hair tie and grabbed all of my hair and making it to a messy bun. (Or not idk what you guys do.). I went back to my room. "I'm back now let's do yours first. So go to the bathroom and wash your face." I said pointing at the bathroom. He stood up and goes to the bathroom. Not long after he came back to my room, sitting on my bed. "Okay now lay down," I said. He looked at me as if I were a ghost. Ok, I don't know if I'm imagining things right now but I saw him blush. "What?" I shrugged. "Why? That's just weird." He said. I deadpanned and sighed. "Just lay your ass down and only if you make it weird. "Fine there, I'm laying down." He said as he lay down on my bed, crossing his arms in annoyance.Then I sat on the bed and turn around, crisscrossing my legs. I looked down at him and smiled. "Hi." "Just get this over with already." "Fine fine, lay back and relax." I said as I grab the facial treatment clear lotion. Damn, It would've been easier if he took his sunglasses off. I pour it on my hands and slowly rub them together. Then I put it on his face. "Bro this feels weird." "Dude shut up before I'll make your face feel like shit," I said as I lightly smacked his face. "Aye don't smack me." He said getting annoyed.

The two dorks in love (Vin Jin x !Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now