Chapter 33: Just stay here

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"Hell yeah! Let's kick some hobo asses!" Y/N yelled getting excited to fight. They all were fighting side by side. "First question how the fuck you carried me?!" Vin Jin said. "What? Do you think I'm weak in strength? Well, it depends on how heavy it is. But you were damn heavy you fat ass." she chuckled. "Need some help?" She asked. "Nope, I don't need help from you!" He replied. "Be careful, what you say Vin Jin I saved your ass twice now." "Just shut the fuck up!" He yelled.

They all saw some guy flying across them. They turned to see who it was. "1083 matches... 1079 wins...4 defeats. I guess I can total my wins to 1200 today." Warren said. Jerry ran towards him and punches him. Warren blocked that as he punched Jerry but he also blocked it. The J-high crew and hostel saw Eli carrying a child. "Eli, what's he doing here? I never talked to him before but I have seen him at school because he was surrounded by women. That's all I know of." She thought as she looked at the H on his forehead. "Y/N watch out!" Daniel shouted out. "Eh?" She turned around behind her and saw a man with long hair going towards her. "Oh, you got to be kidding me-" and just like that she got knocked out, and so does Zack. They both got dragged by that one person.

"Daddy's here!" the man said. "That's enough my children. Don't wanna hurt Eli too much. Ew get out of the way!" He threw the knocked-out Y/N. Warren ran and caught her then puts her on the ground. Then punch Olly.

While that's happening, Mc Pesticides and Vin Jin are fighting. "This is how you pay me back by running away? We had to live like shit afterward. Can you even call yourself a friend? You fucking murderer." Mc said. "Murderer? It's irrelevant to the past now. Plus you're the one to talk. So stop running away and apologize to Mary. You fucking douchebag." Vin Jin said. "Vin Jin, you're hopeless," Mc said as he tries to slam Vin Jin. "Don't worry I won't kill you until the guys are here. Instead...." He smirks as looks behind him and grabs the knocked-out Y/N's hair. "Instead I'll kill your bitch. Such a shame that she's gonna die-" Vin Jin, punched Mc, making him let go of Y/N. "So the other guys aren't there huh? I should end this pretty quickly and dip." he slams Mc pesticides to the ground, knocking him out. Vin Jin looks down at him and sighs. "Such an idiot am I right Y/N? Oh, you're still sleeping...such as dumbass." He said as he look down at her. He grabs his sunglasses from the ground and puts them on his face. Then carries her, walking away from the Hostel situation. "Vin Jin where are you going? Are you going to help us or not?" Zack said. "Nope, I already resolved my situation. That situation Hostel or whatever is not my problem so, cya suckers." He said as he walks away with the knocked-out Y/N in his arms.

"So that's how why ended up look g like this." Vin Jin as he explains some of it to mary. Mary looks at Y/N sleeping on their couch. "Jesus she looks like she got murdered by someone. Also, are you sure you didn't took of your shirt to show off?" She asked him. "The hell? No I didn't take off my shirt because of that!" Vin Jin exclaims. "Anyways so change, you look messy." She demanded. He goes to his room.

Y/N woke up, seeing Mary sitting next to her. "Finally I thought you were dead for a second." "Huh do I?" Y/n said as she down at her arms that are wrapped in bandages and some on her waist. "Who wrapped bandages on me?" "I did, plus I put you in my clothes since your clothes are covered in sweat and blood. Oh, and you can keep the one you're wearing. Your phone is charging as well, good thing we have the same type of phone." Mary said. "Oh alright, Can I just stay here till I'm recovered?" "I was about to say that just stay in our place for a day or two until Xiolen gets back or you're almost recovered." "At least you're not going to deal Vin Jin with alone." "Hey, I heard that!" The girls chuckled. Vin Jin finished changing and went towards the girls are

"I'm not that bad! Oh, Y/N you're awake now. Who saves your ass now Y/N? Me the man with talent." "Talent my ass! I saved you, twice!" "Vin Jin you didn't tell me about that part of the story~" Mary covered her mouth, trying not to laugh. "Yeah, I saved him. First, he passed out because he fought Vasco, they both passed out. So I carried someone that's close to me which is him and man, I'm telling you he's a fat ass he can't be talking when he calls Duke a fat ass." "I'm not a fat ass you even saw me taking my shirt off!" Vin Jin got annoyed by it. She rolled her eyes and then explains the second one. "Wow, Vin Jin you gotta let a girl save you man pfft haha!" Mary laughs and so does Y/N. Vin Jin looked at them like he was done with those two. "Anyways it's late and I'm fucking tired." He said as walking towards his room again. "Y/N." "What?" "Uhh, thanks for saving me I guess." "Meh, No problem." She smiled at him as he went to his room. Mary looked surprised and smiled. "I've never heard him say thank you before in forever." "What? Really?" "Really. Anyways he's right it's late just stay here for a night or two to rest up alright?" Y/N nodded and said good night to Mary as she went to her room. Y/N lays on the couch and sleeps for the tonight.

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