Chapter 8: Shopping spree!

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A/N: I'm sorry but this picture is hella funny XD

Y/N's pov:

I decided to skip school for a couple of day because why the hell not. I was laying down on my phone watching Pewdiepieon on Newtube.  Not long after A notification pop up on my screen and it was Mary texting me.

✨Mary✨: Y/N where were you? You've been skipping school for days now! Are you sick or something? Life has been boring without you 😭😭... well not really-ish 😅 but I miss you 😭😭

Y/N: Aww, I've been skipping school because I don't wanna learn before a school trip 🤷‍♀️

✨Mary✨: 👁️👄👁️🤦‍♀️

Y/N: what it's not like we're going to have homework on a singing and dance class woman 😀👌

✨Mary✨: Look I missed you even Vin Jin misses you 🤭🤭🤭

Y/N: what's that supposed to mean? 🤨

✨Mary✨: look it doesn't matter about that. Me and Vin are going to skip classes and going shopping wanna come with us?


✨Mary✨: Wow you have a lot of energy 👁️👄👁️

Y/N: Hell yeah! I'm bored since days now.

✨Mary✨: Then why didn't come to school 🤦‍♀️

Y/N: Ew school don't even mention that I'm just taking a break 😒🖕

✨Mary✨: Whatever anyways we're heading towards your house so if you're not prepared sucks to sucks buddy.

Y/N: okay see you later!

✨Mary✨: Cya :))

I quickly change to whatever shirt and pants I saw first and quickly fix my messy hair. I ran to the bathroom and saw myself to the mirror. "I look decent enough to be in public." I said to myself and heads towards the living room. I saw Xiolen's wallet and I opened it up. "Jesus too many credit cards like 6 credit cards man. Definitely has a lot back up and a good way for me to steal it heh." I thought as I grab one of his credit card. "Well, time to wait till they arrive." I said as I was going on my phone. Not long after the door bell rang. It must be them. I thought as I head towards the door. I opened the door and it was Mary and Vin Jin. "You're ready to go?" Mary said. "Yeah of course and I stole one of Xiolen's 6 credit cards." I said waving the card to them. "How the hell does he have 6 credit cards?" Mary said. "He said it's for safety reasons but to me it's I get to steal this and he won't notice. Plus I don't think I'll get caught." I smiled. "Let's get this shit over with." Vin Jin said.

We walked out said and talking about life and etc. "Vin is pissed about something." I said "Yeah I don't know why? To be honest I don't know why whenever he gets pissed off." Mary shrugs. "Hmm alright." I said. Well I want to cheer him up again so he wont that much of a pissy boy. I thought. After a few minutes of walking my brain got an idea. Maybe me and Vin Jin could match I mean I got his hat so why not give him a gift. Let's see he always have a very dark lenses I remember. And he always wear sunglasses and even at night. I wonder why...I thought.

Then we walked a few more minutes and we went to buy some things until I saw matching sunglasses. "Let's go!" I said walking in the store. "Where you going?" Vin Jin said "Just come with me you guys." I said waving them over. Once us three were in the store I look at the same black with white stripe pattern on the sunglasses. I hold them in my hands. "Matching sunglasses!" I said Mary tilted her head and Vin Jin got offended. "Oh so that's how it going to be okay." Vin Jin scoffed and being dramatic. "Uh-no Vin I." I worried. "You're going to buy matching sunglasses for you and Mary. But I get my own sunglasses okay fine so be it ugh!" Vin Jin got more offended. "What no pfft I'm going to match with you goofy." I chuckled a little. An awkward moment of silence breaks in as we stood there for a minute. Then Mary finally got what you were saying and brighten up while Vin Jin was looking confused now. "But I'm already wearing sunglasses." Vin Jin said. "Yeah but switch them with these and then we match." I said excitedly. "Ohhh..." he nodded multiple times and then jolted. "So wait... You wanna match...with me then?!" Mary deadpanned at Vin Jin while formed a big smile from his lips. He looked ready to burst of excitement. "But why you want to match with me instead of Mary all of the sudden?" Vin Jin said. My smiled turned into a little shy and my heart begins to pound faster. Shit it's doing it again. I better talk with Mary about this. I thought. "Well it's a thank you gift for letting me keeping your hat. So I wanted to give this for you..." I said. and to not make you pissed off for the rest of the shopping trip. I thought. "Well that's fine by me!" Vin Jin said. "Vin Jin I gotta say you're simple minded." Mary rolled her eyes. "In a good way of course." He snapped. "Well more like when a cat trying to chase a laser pointer." Mary said. "What the heck is that supposed to mean!?" Vin Jin exclaims as I chuckled to the conversation. "Mary you have now finish bullying Vin Jin quota for today." I said "Yeah finishing me what now." Vin Jin said getting annoyed. "Never mind of that." Mary said laughing. Vin Jin nodded his head aggressively. "Hey I have a bully you two quota also." Vin Jin said. "Sure you do." Mary said it sarcastically. "Anyways it's even has the dark lenses so you don't have to pop yours out." I said "Even the lenses you knew, you've got a good eye Y/N. Now buy them! I wanna put them on now!" Vin Jin said excitedly to match with me.

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