Chapter 3: A signing up at a festival.

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A/N: Don't question me on the photo XD anyways let's get right into it WOOOO!

Previously in chapter 2:
Basically, Y/n met Duke because she was lost because of the stupid GPS. Then inside the vocal dance class, everyone likes her because of her pjs apparently. Then she met Mary Kim and Vin Jin. Y/N thought he was a cool, chill dude but she was way wrong she saw vin Jin bullying Duke and was about to stop it. NOW ONTO THE CHAPTER.

Vin Jin got irritated. "Jeez, you made me wanna-!" Vin Jin was about to kick Duke until Y/N threw her backpack at his face making his sunglasses fly off his face.

Everyone got silent, looking at Y/N.  Y/N grabs Vin Jin's sunglasses.  Yes, I can finally see what Vin's face looks like, one of his friends thought. "Ah fuck my eyes- these lights are too bright." Vin Jin covered his eyes and just stood there. "You guys acting like children, like you bullying him for no fucking reason. People these days bully the weak just to make themselves look better about themselves." Y/n walked towards Vin Jin, still covering his eyes.

"And you Vin, I liked you as a friend, now I think of you as a dork who wants to show off to others and bully the weak." "Well Y/N I just met you but, you're also a dork." Mary snickered.  Y/N tries not to chuckle right now, it is now a bad time in a situation like this. "Shut up Mary you don't know what it's like" Y/N tries not to smile. Then she's back on topic about this situation. "Now Vin I'm going to put on you're sunglasses but first I'm curious how would I look like with them on." Mary face palmed herself.  Y/N puts on Vin Jin's sunglasses. "HOLY SHIT THESE SUNGLASSES ARE HELLA DARK MARY YOU SEE THIS RIGHT?! THESE SUNGLASSES WILL DEFINITELY BLOCK OFF THE SUN I'LL TELL YOU THAT!" She took them off. "Ok, Vin just stand still". He stood still and let Y/N put on his sunglasses on his face. "Ahh much better." "He totally ignore my speech didn't he." "Yup" Duke replied and grab his notepad.  "Thanks, a lot actually Y/N." "No worries it's what friends do right." Y/N smiles at Duke and he smiled back. "Right". Duke pulled his desk and chair upright where they used to be and sat back down. He continues to write down his own lyrics. So he writes lyrics I see... he might help me with my music but I better ask him later he is busy writing down and making his own music. She thought.

Mary was laughing at Vin Jin. "Pfft haha, Dude you got defeated by a girl." "Shut up Goldilocks!" "I like Y/N a lot more now. She even put on your sunglasses just to see what it looks like and then pfft hahaha you let her put it on for you."

"W-Well I don't like her she's too bossy just like you." Vin Jin replies back and stares at Y/N for a little bit. Mary totally notices and smirks. Vin Jin got confused. "Why are you smirking!?, don't try to pull tricks on me." Vin Jin crossed his arms. "You totally like like her don't you? Really falling in love with her just like that? I'm going to die at laughter." " AYE- It's not that, it's just that she looks weird with her PJs."

Vin Jin looks away and sits back down with his friends. Mary walks up in front of the classroom. "Who wants to perform at the school festival?" The school festival? Damn, I came here just in time then let's go! Y/N thought about it. "It looks like Vin Jin and Jeong Gi are a duet. Everyone hyped them two up. "Wow, a duet?!" A student said.  Vin Jin smirked and looks at Y/N.  Y/N makes a fake smile at Vin Jin and rolls her eyes "Jeong GI can sing and Vin can rap." Another student said.  "We'll wipe the floor like I already got accepted with at the studio." Vin Jin kinda brags about it. "Alrighty anyone else?" 

Y/N raises her hand. Everyone hypes her more than the duo. "Woah Y/N really but you're new at this school you sure?" A student said.  "I mean does it matter if I'm new or not I just want people to listen to my voice and at least have fun on my first few weeks at school I guess," Y/N smirks at Vin Jin, making him a bit irritated but holds it in. " Are you sure Y/N? They're going to be a lot of people at the festival."Mary questioned her."Who cares it's about having fun Mary".  "Okay then, Anyone else coming once, twice, three times... well you guys can sign up anytime but I'm signing for the people who raised their hands," Mary said. "Well well, super newbie trying to steal our spotlight heh." Vin Jin and Jeong Gi smirks at her.  "Of course plus, I already have a recording studio in my house, just still need to unpack some of the studio shit." "Wow Y/N has a studio set, now I wanna visit her house." A student whispered to another student's s ear.  "I'll also wipe you guys out in no time." Y/N goes towards Vin Jin and flicked his forehead. "Ow, what was that for?!" "One for bullying Duke, and second you just remind me of my cousin and quit being a bitch." "I want to be best friends with her now," Mary said. "What Mary why?!" "Jeez you tell too much," Mary said.  "Agree agree," Y/N said. "I hate you two now." Vin Jin said.

A few moments after signing up for the festival it was lunchtime. Mary and Y/N sit together at lunch while Vin Jin sits there with his other friends. During lunchtime, the ladies talked for a while. "So miss Y/N tell me about yourself," Mary said.  "Well as you already know I'm Y/N, I'm 17 years old, my favorite color is (C/N), my hobbies are singing, playing video games, and I love to eat food," Y/N said.  "Cool, You and I can tolerate Vin Jin." "Oh yeah I know I can tolerate a one-brain cell idiot. I'm also one." Y/N and Mary chuckled. "I can tell." "Damn my heart Mary don't say it in front of me." They both chuckled again. 

A few minutes later Vin jin started to bully Duke again. "You got to be fucking kidding me right now. After I threw my own backpack and made his sunglasses fly off." Mary rolls her eyes. "He never learns, I gave up on him since me and he met." Y/N was about to save the day again until she saw four boys one with blond hair covering his eyes and wearing a Gucci sweater, a handsome guy with brownish-blackish eyes, a guy with a black sweater and black hair, a guy with big ears, and besides him is a very tall guy with a mustache remind her of Jesus Christ (a/n: I mean am I wrong. )  "Who the fuck are they the " popular boys or some shit"." Y/N said sitting back down. "The blonde rich dude's name is Jay, the dude with the black sweater his name is Zack Lee, and the other one is still new to the school, his name is Daniel Park. They're both from the fashion department.  A lot of girls said he's the most handsome guy in school since he just came to school a few weeks before you came." "Huh, and how are those guys?" Y/n asks Mary and points at the big ear guy and the mustache. "Oh, those guys are from the architecture department.  The one with the big ears name is Jace and the other one is Euntae, but we call him Vasco." Mary replied. "Those too are the types of people I would want to hang out with." "Well you do you,  Y/N" Mary replied.

Vin Jin walks away from the four guys and walks towards the two ladies.  Vin Jin looks really pissed off now at this point. Mary smirks at Vin Jin and puts her arm around him. "I know why you didn't fight~." "Shut up," Vin Jin said.

At the end of the day, the trio walked to their own classes and the rest of the day was boring. The bell rang and everyone sighed in relief because school is over. Y/N was waiting till Mary was there with her. Not long after Mary was there with Vin Jin talking. Mary was smirking while Vin Jin was a bit flustered after what she had just said but Y/N did pay attention. "Yo Y/N I'm here." "Finally what were you talking about? Vin looks pissed I guess I don't know." Y/N said looking confused." "Oh, nothing~. Come let's get out of here." Mary replied. The trio walks out of school. "So Y/N want to come with us?" Mary asked. "No thanks my cousin is going to pick me up," Y/N said.

Not long after a blue and white fancy car came and every looks at the car. Xiolen beeps at her twice. And roll the windows down. "Beep beep bitch time to go home mother fucker." Xiolen exclaimed." "Oh look great timing I have to go. It was nice meeting you Mary... and you too Vin I guess. Vin Jin took off his hat and puts it on her. "Wow, I'm shocked, Vin giving your own hat to Y/N," Mary smirked. "Shut up Goldilocks, it was just a first-day gift for her. See the looks great with my hat just because that's the hat I'm seeing." Vin Jin exclaims." Mary chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Oh wow, thanks I guess vin. I guess it was a gift for me hopefully I don't get lice on it." Mary and Y/N laughed. "Well, I got to go bye guys!" "Wait. Pull your arm out" Mary said. Y/N nods and pulls her arm out. Mary took out her pen and wrote her number. "There sorry I could've done it earlier but oh well here's my number. I'll make a group chat for us three. Okay bye Y/N". Y/N went in the car and Xiolen smirked at her. "What?" Y/N asked. "Aw, you got a boy's hat lucky you. I didn't know you got bitches." Xiolen replied. "Oh my god, it's not like that shut the fuck up." She rolls her eyes. Xiolen drove her back home.


The two dorks in love (Vin Jin x !Fem! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora