Chapter 29: Cheongliang trip

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A/N: this song doesn't is part of the story. I heard this song from the movie trailer called "M3GAN". The song is called Dolls by Bella Poarch

Y/N pov:

"Did you hear that? The fashion department guys are going on a trip." Vin Jin said as he puff smoke from his mouth. "Huh really?" I said leaning against the wall. "Why are they going to our neighborhood? There's nothing to do there." "Wait what neighborhood?" I asked the two. "Oh Y/N they're going to Cheongliang, aka our old neighborhood," Mary said. "There's a lot of guys knows about... You know what." Mary said. "Shit, now that I think about it, that's right." Vin Jin said. "About huh?" I got confused about what they were talking about. "Anyways, I'm not sure if the kids from Seoul are going to be alright. The guys in our neighbors, they're not like any other gangsters." Mary said. "Shouldn't we help them out or anything then?" I asked. "No Y/N I wouldn't recommend you to go with us." Vin Jin said. "Don't worry I can fight, plus I've been through way worse than just a "nontypical gangster," I said. Mary and Vin Jin looked at each other and then shrugged. "Since when did you care about someone?" Mary smirked. Vin Jin got annoyed and blushed, turning away from us. "Whatever, fine Y/N you can come with us." Vin Jin said. "Yes!" I said as I fist-bumped up into the air. "If you get hurt again I swear to god I'm going to hurt you as well." Vin Jin tries to threaten me. I shrugged and followed them. "Tell me more about the place," I said. "Well, that's where me and Vin Jin grew up and we used to do Judo there basically," Mary said. "Aye don't give her backgrounds to our past!" Vin Jin said. "Dude that was nothing personal," Mary said. "Whatever let's go to the station."

We went to the train, sitting in our seats. "I can't wait to see them again. It's been a long time." Mary said. "Hmm" Vin Jin said. Mary nodded. "This is going to be fun. Seeing your other friends for the first time." I said. "I wouldn't be happy to go there if I was you." He said. "Anyways I am going to take a nap. Wake me up if we're here." I said, leaning my head at the window. "I won't." Vin Jin said. "Fine you're so grumpy, I know you're trying to like protect me or some shit but ill but fine I got my fighting skills intact," I sighed and took a nap.

No one's pov:

"Why are we bringing Y/N again?" Vin Jin said. "She just wants to go with us. If she gets hurt which I'm pretty sure she won't, then I don't know how to tell that to Xiolen." Mary said. "Speaking of Xiolen, He's been not going to school lately." Vin Jin said. "Maybe he dropped out of school again, Y/N told me that he was on a business trip or something. But that's true he's been also gone for a while." Mary said. They both watch Y/N sleeping. Mary smiled and chuckled. "I'm telling you, she's one fierce woman I'd say." "She is even a dork who doesn't know the meaning of danger." Vin Jin looked at her in annoyance. "Your also a dork." Mary sighed. "Aye, you take that back you blondie." Vin Jin got annoyed by her. The sleepy Y/N turns around and slept on his shoulders. "Oh my God not again." Vin Jin said. Mary smirks at the scene. "Mary don't even think about it..." Vin Jin said. "What I'm not saying anything." Mary chuckled. If Y/N is not going to confess then I'm just going to tell him anyways. Mary thought. "Vin Jin, She likes you." Mary said as she crossed her arms. "I know she likes me." Vin Jin smirks. Mary deadpanned at him and sigh. "No dumbass I mean she like likes you." She said. "Pfft, Nah nah Mary you make stuff up like always." He said. She looks at him again like she was about to beat him up. "Here's proof." Mary showed him the text messages. "Oh... Your right..." Vin Jin said as she slowly turns to look at the sleepy Y/N. "Just don't say anything yet to her." Mary said. "Haha, I might get into a relationship before you!" He quietly brags about it. "Oh shut the fuck up," Mary said. Vin Jin sighed in relief and look and they were here at Cheongliang. Vin Jin wakes her up by clicking her forehead. "Hey ow...." Y/N said it as she slowly flicked his head. "We're here dumb dumb." He said. "Oh, okay.." She said as she stood up and stretch her back.

They got off the train station. "Finally we get to see our old friends," Mary said. "Hmmm I don't know but why I feel something icky you know.." Vin Jin said. "Meh, it's fine let's go." I smiled and went ahead. Mary smiled and followed her. Vin Jin just stood there regretting. Regretting that he came there. So he went back to the train station.

"Y/N, wait up jeez you barely know this place!" Mary said catching up to her. She stopped and turns around. "My bad." She chuckled. "Huh, where's Vin Jin," Y/N asked Mary. Mary looks around and sighed. "He's run away again." "Oh, Bummer.." Y/N said. "At least you're with me. I'll just show you around a bit," Mary said. "Alright." She said. Mary lead the way and Y/N followed her. They went by a beach and saw a bunch of guys ganging up on the fashion department guys.

Mary sighed, "I got this Y/N." Mary grab the two men and slammed them to the ground.  The other dude ran away. The Fashion department boys got surprised at us. "Mary and Y/N?!" "Howdy," I said. "How ya doin'?" Mary smiled at the three gentlemen. "Mary, since when did you get here?" "Jesus Christ you didn't have to flip me over and shit man." "You guys can't get through a single day without fighting. Anyways I'm happy to see you guys!" Mary said. Mary looked at the dude who ran away and sigh. "And that bastard is running way again as soon as he saw me." "Well, he must've been feeling guilty." "Mary, why are they all wearing sunglasses like Vin Jin?" I said pointing at the three gentlemen. "Vin Jin?!" The three men looked at me like I'm insane. "Who even are you anyways?!" Her friend said.  "Oh, I'm Y/N, Mary's friend." I smiled. "And Vin Jin's future girlfriend," Mary smirked and elbowed me. "MARY SHUT UP ABOUT THAT OH MY GOD!" I said as I covered my face. "HIS FUTURE GIRLFRIEND?!" The three gentlemen looked at me again. "No- I mean I would like that- I MEAN NO!" I said. The Judo team came toward us and said in unison. "We missed you, ma'am! We waited for your call!" They all bow for Mary. "Hey, guys what's up!" "You have no idea how much We missed you!" A judo member said. "Hey, Doyle! Good to see you! I see you got plastic surgery." Mary greeted him back. How can she tell who is who? I mean they're all the same. I looked at the team in confusion. "CHEONLIANG JUDO TEAM, ATTENTION!" They all bowed again. "At ease!" Mary said as she salutes. The gentlemen yelled at us. "Where did he go, Mary?!" "Tell me where he is!?" "I'll take his girlfriend hostage!" "For the last time, I'm not his girlfriend." I sighed. "I wouldn't recommend messing with her like that. She also knows how to fight as well as Judo." Mary smiled at me. I looked at them with no fear in my eyes and smiled. The gentle me looked at me and stop asking questions. "Mary and her friend are oddly the same personally." The two gentlemen nodded in agreement. "Anyways, where's MC Pesticides?" Mary asked them. "Oh, he always cops out, you know." "Well, he has committed some nasty stuff." "Didn't you forgive him?" "Well...? Still...I want to see him again now that I'm here." Mary said. "Well it's okay I mean you can see him next time," I assured her. "Yeah but we're leaving right now before anything dangerous happens to us." Mary said dragging me. "It was nice to see you guys cya!" I yelled at the gentleman and the Judo team, waving at them. The three gentlemen didn't wave back but the Judo did. "I will visit you guys again don't worry!" I yelled still.

The end

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