I brushed over the slightly rusty lock, and quickly scanned my bag, not seeing a key in sight. I inspected the face of it, seeing a strange engraving on the front. It was strangely gorgeous, almost enticing. My eyes couldn't look away, as I studied the jewels of the crown and the petals of the flower.

I shook my head. How is a single picture so pretty? And why do I feel I have seen it?

I turned the plate over, to see a note, taped weakly on the back. I pulled it off and read it, my eyes widening.

Blood Will Never Falter.

That's all it said. Just those four words, and my mind went ballistic.

Who wrote it? Who got it in my bag? How did they know it was mine? What is the crest? Why do I feel like I've seen it?

Much to my avail, I started thinking about a deeper meaning. 

'Why is it in my bag? What do they mean by blood? Like death or-'

'...or family...'

I took a closer look at the crest, my memories slowly starting to resurface.

I went into my bag and pulled out my father's notebook, turning a few pages in, farther than I was before, when a page caught my eye.

It has little writing, and a single, small carnation in a lovely shade of pink, and a small note to the side, taped in. On the small taped in paper, was a small crest in the corner, similar to the one on the plate

Reading into it, it was signed 'Serenity' and there was residue of a flower on the taped in paper. It was also addressed to Waylen, my father.

I went to the next page and read the log.


(Date)[Three Weeks After First log]: I leave today. 

I leave Alabasta with Roger. 

Ha, I still can't believe that old kook convinced me to join him, but we aren't so different, he and I. Similar ideals and personalities.

I just said goodbye to Serenity through a fight. She yelled at me, and it hurt. The other night, I was looking through her old love letters she would wright me. When she finally told me she loved me, I was ecstatic, but a few days ago, when I told her I was leaving, she blew up at me, saying things like she never loved me, and I couldn't fulfil my 'duty'.

I know she's lying. If she never had even a shred of love for me, we would not have had our beautiful daughter.

Speaking of my daughter, she was so brave when we said goodbye. She watched us depart, and I still remember her trying to hold in her tears. She had a dream for a while of becoming a pirate, but she was a sort of crybaby as a child.

Oh, to give her and Serenity one last hug, it would complete me.


I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I read, thinking back to the conversation I had with Serenity, saying that she never loved my father. And then, even when she had lost feelings for him, he never lost hope, and still loved her.

I wiped away a tear.

'I wonder how he would feel about her if he heard how she treated me?... Maybe he knows? '

'It doesn't matter. This is the past. I need to move on. I'll solve these problems when these problems come to me.'

I put everything back in my bag and took a deep breath, before hoisting my bag on my shoulders and heading to where Luffy was near the front of the ship.

Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Various One piece]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें