teacher!CRAIG x teacher!READER

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Before reading, please take the time to read this section. Unfortunately, but one shots will not appear as often as always due to the fact that I am writing another book that is also about South Park, but mostly about Kenny.

If you like yandere characters or angst elements, I'm sure you'll like my new creation!


I have always admired the work of a teacher and everything connected with it, unlike my peers. Just sharing teachings with others and assimilating knowledge to them aroused positive emotions in me.

That's why, I became a teacher in my local high school. It wasn't easy at first, Almost all teachers were retired or middle-aged, so as a much younger person, I received cool looks and unpleasant comments about my experience or teaching methods. But after many months of hard work, I noticed fruitful results such like a raise and a change in the behavior of my colleagues.

I wasn't much older than my students, so I wasn't too unkind or demanding of them, that's why my relaxed approach to learners and learning itself made me quickly gain the trust and respect of teenagers. The good relationship I developed between myself and the students was the key to good and quiet classes. My students were very organized and motivated during my lessons, so we often had a few free minutes for casual, quick chats.


Besides all those tired old teachers, there was someone my age, namely Craig Tucker, the new physics teacher. We fastly became friends due to our age.

Craig wasn't as open as I at first. The man rarely talked about himself, he preferred it when I mostly took part in the conversation  and he would just answer me.

After a few of your conversations, I learnt two things about Craig. His passion was astronomy and he was single. Yes, that's all I knew about him. But what could I do about it? i didn't want to get more information out of him because I was afraid that the man would feel uncomfortable because of it, so instead, I was just silent and deep down, praying that Craig would finally say something about himself.


”Okay class, unfortunately, the exams are coming so we need to take more time to study” I said as I walked into the classroom without taking my eyes off the pile of papers and documents I was holding.

Strangely enough, nothing could be heard in the room except for the chirping of birds and the sounds of the wind that could be heard from outside the window. Surprised, I looked up. I saw a completely empty classroom.

”That's weird... These children have never missed my classes before...” I murmured to myself.

I put down the pile of papers and scanned the room again. The room didn't even have life in it, it felt like the students hadn't even been inside a moment before. Suddenly, I heard a girl's voice from the school corridor. Startled and confused, I left the classroom and looked around the hallway.

”Miss [Surname], I have your phone!” out of sudden, a female figure emerged from behind the wall holding your phone in her hand ”Catch me, if you want it back!”

”Ava, this is ridiculous! Give me back my property immediately!” I yelled angrily, but the girl just chuckled a bit and then proceed to ran away with my phone.

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