36 | Aurelia

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"The alum powder is everywhere

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"The alum powder is everywhere. My guess is that whoever used it wanted the victim to go crazy with the surge in power and then even crazier when they realized they lost it all. But there is one thing I don't understand yet." Adriel said.

The trio stood in the middle of the Lycan cell. If Adriel noticed the electricity of tension sparking between Aurelia and Rowan, he was wise enough to keep quiet about it.

"The bloodlust." Aurelia nod her head. "There is something else that is triggering the bloodlust as soon as their power - or in the case of wolven - enhanced senses, brute strength and speed completely shuts down."

"Can it be the poison drug-" Rowan began to ask.

"No." The siblings answered at once.

Rowan glanced between them taking in the unnerved expression and tight set of their jaw. The remnants of the memory of a past they hadn't experienced but still felt the connection of. A past they had all only heard passed down as stories but knew how close it had come to the destruction of their entire world.

"I can perform a spell to unearth traces of Netta only so to prove you wrong about the possibility of this drug." Aurelia offered.

"You're still healing, I'll do it." Adriel stepped forward.

Aurelia looked around the dank surroundings of the windowless cells built of hand carved stone, shackles and chains glinting in silver and bars of forged rare metal that neither fire could melt nor frost could shatter. The low set ceiling barely allowed Adriel and Rowan to stand to their full height and Aurelia just about.

"Keep it low scale." Aurelia warned her brother. "The entire palace will crumble on top of us if you try to show off unprovoked."

"You still don't have your powers under control?" Rowan raised a wary eyebrow.

Adriel waved them off. "I always have them under control. Lia's just being a mother hen."

"His magic has been expanding and mother is worried it might go beyond what can be controlled." Aurelia explained. She shot a stern look at the youngest. "If you try anything stupid I will punch you."

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