Moon, Sky and Lexi

Start from the beginning

"Wasnt it due in next 5 days"? Sky calculated in his mind.

"Thats.. Thats why i got a on. And.. They... They..". He burst out into tears again remembering the humilation he felt at the school. His fellows laughed at him. Mocked him. His teacher took him to the Princpal who was aware of his condition. They called Sky and Lexi kept screaming to Sky to come to him as soon as possible without telling him the reason. That was the reason Sky had to leave the meeting to fetch him.

"Shhh baby. You are my strongest boy. If you would get upset on these lame things, people wont spare you baby. Shhh. Pa got you. Come. Lets fix you first hmmm". He picked Lexi in his arms who was clinging to him like a Koala bear. They walked off the conference room to Moon's office on the same floor while Sky asked their PA to cancel all for today. He wanted to inform Mew but Moon forbade. Tae had taken Mew to Japan for vacations after so much pushing from the kids. They deserved a relaxed holiday anyway.

He clicked the door close and Sky went to the room attached to their office to pick up clothes for Lexi from the wardrob and went to the bathroom to run warm tub. Moon placed Lexi on the bed, taking off his coat and took off his shirt, watch, shoes and socks. He pulled off Lexi's uniform and lifted him in his arms to the bathroom.

"What color bomb baby"? Sky asked Lexi holding a box for him. Lexi thought for a while and picked a shining yellow and threw it in the tub filled with hot water. The first giggle of the day as he heard the familiar sizzling sound of the bubble bomb dissolving in the water turning it bubbly yellow.

Moon gently laid him in the water and was about to get the loofah but Lexi held his hand. He sighed but took off his pents and held it to Sky who went outisde to the office, closing the bathroom door behind him. It wasnt that they had not seen each other, but this was a silent agreement between them to stay with Lexi whoever he chooses. 

"Wanna talk Xan"? Moon kept pouring water on his shoulders allowing him to snuggle into him.



"They say you are not my Pa".


"They say its only Dad and Dada".

"Why does it matter honey"?

"Pa... Its..". Lexi sucked in a breath, shifting a little so that he could see Moon. Those star shining eyes had always filled his mind with so many dreams. The warmth of those hands had always lulled him to sleep. He remembered how it was always Moon that he would run too. No doubt Tae and Mew were the best parents one could have. Phi Mikey and Phi Star too. But his Pa and Phi Sky... They were who he was now. Those smiling lips had sung him so many songs to put him to sleep. The strong tattooed arms with broad back covered in ink, his Pa was everything one could have.

"Xan, it does not matter at all who any one says. You are my and Sky's baby as soon as we held you in our arms. Yes we are not your dads, but we have raised you kid. We can read you inside out. So speak it up. Or i have a better idea. Let's get dressed up and then lets go with me and Phi Sky. Hmmm"? Moon pulled him out and dressed him up, fixing his little issue. And no matter how many times Moon or Sky did it, he would always blush into shades of pink just like their Dada.

Sky entered the room just right on time and raised his eyebrows. "Are we good baby"? He asked Lexi racking his hair, who nodded with a smile and laid his head on the sturdy chest of his brother while Moon got dressed up too.

"Lets go home Sky. Get take away hmmm". He strapped his watch and grabbed his wallet and keys before turning to both of them who were in an awe to see their handsome brother. He chuckled, smacking both of them slightly.

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