New story idea

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Hey guys. It is mee. So hear me out okay, I have this new idea for a story and I love it.!!!!!!!!!!

So it goes like this.

How everyone always talks about the king and his love who is mostly the second wife, but no one thinks about his first wife. The one who suffers and go through pain of seeing her husband with another woman.

And this is a story about a same kind of woman the unloved wife. But she is not like others the one who will sit in the corner and cry she is one who fights for her rights and takes what she knows she deserve.

An independent woman born in The wrong time line of the 14th century in Indian. Where woman were not given the rights they deserves she was fighting for her.

A story about a strong woman.

So how does it sounds. Let me know if you will read it or not.

Prerish Where stories live. Discover now