Chapter 44

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In the Basu house.

It has been a month since everything. Mohini, Maloy, and Anurag are punished by being in jail for the rest of there life's. Nivedita is slowly moving on and now Nivedita and Anupham are a part of the Bajaj family. 

Now they were all having breakfast.

Nived- Now that I have the Basu business completely I was thinking if we I, Prerna, and Neeharika could all share the business and work together.

Neeh- Yes we should do that it is a great idea.

Pre- Yes I do agree.

Anup- Yes but for that you all will have to stay. Soo

Masi- Yes I think we should stay if you all don't go to London then I might be able to come here and meet my grandchildren every now and then.

Neeh- Yes I want to stay.

Roh- Yes in London Bhai and I will be busy with work and prerna and Neeharika might be alone so her we can all be like a family. What do you say bhai.

Rish- I don't mind the only problem was Anurag and his mom and dad now that they are gone I don't mind staying.

Pre- Yes kiku didn't want to leave school she said that she has new friends.

Rish- So it is confirm we are staying.

4 months later.

Rishabh was deep in his sleep when someone keeps trying to wake him up.

Rish- What.

Pre- Rishabh wake up there is a problem.

Rish- Who happen is the baby coming.

Pre- Who no it has only been 4 months.

Rish- Ohh yeah then what is it love.

Pre- I want ice cream.

Rish- What it is 3 o'clock.

Pre- So are you saying that you will not give the woman who is caring you child ice cream.

Rish- No no I will go and get some.

Pre- Thank you.

8 months later.

Pre- Omg really you guys are giving me a baby shower that is Soo nice of you 2. Thank you Neeharika and Nivedita. It is really 😭😭😭😭😭.

Neeh- Why are you crying.

Pre- I 😭😭 don't know why 😭😭 and that is making me mad 😡😡😡.

Nived- Ohh mood swings.

Nivedita said quickly so prerna didn't hear.

9 months later

Prerna was in her room tonight she can't sleep. Though she normally can't sleep but today she is really uncomfortable.

She got up and went to the window standing there. Thinking how happy her life is now. She has a amazing family and a loving husband. When she felt pain.


she screamed Soo loud that rishabh woke up in a second.

Rish- What what happened.

Pre- My water broke the baby is coming.

Rish- What ok let's go to the hospital.

Rohan, Rishabh and Neeharika went to the doctor with prerna and Nivedita and Anupham came in a different car.

At the hospital the doctor was checking prerna

Doc- Mrs Bajaj it is time to have your baby. Now push.

After pushing for hours.

Pre- No I can't do it anymore please I quit.

Doc- Just a little bit more I can see the head. If you stop it will not be good for the baby.

Rish- Come on prerna just a little bit more for our baby.

Pre- Ok.

Doc- 1 2 3 push.

After pushing a few more prerna heard the cry of a baby and saw a baby before fainting.

Rish- Prerna prerna doctor what happened.


Guys Prerna now has a baby.

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