Chapter 41

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In the Basu house

Dining table break fast time.

Rish- Ohh I already took the Bajaj mansion back.

Neeh- What bahi if you took the Bajaj mansion back then why were we still living here.

Rish- Well the Basu tried to take something that was mine I took it back 2 months after we got here but the rest 4 months we were here for revenge.

Roh- Omg I didn't know that 😂😂😂. Sorry. I didn't say anything who laughed.

Masi- Just stop talking Rohan.

Roh- Sorry

Rish- Anyway do you guys want the Basu shares or should I sell it to someone else.

Nivedita- No no we want the Basu shares.

Rish- Ok I will sell it by the end of the month till then keep 300 million rupees ready. Because that is how many I gave to buy it.

Anupham- what 300 million how will we get it in a month.

Rish- Well either get 300 million or say bye bye to the shares I will sell it to the next guy that offers 300 million. Ohh and masi, Neeharika, Rohan come upstairs we have to take about something important.

In the Bajaj house part.

The whole Bajaj family was sitting on the 2nd floor living room.

Masi- What do you have to say Rishabh.

Rish- It is about prerna she is pregnant.

Neeh- Ohh my god. This is Soo good yayy.

Neeharika ran and hugged prerna and Rohan huged rishabh.

Masi- God bless you kids that is such a good news. You know what I will go to kedarnath temple and thank God Shiva like I did when we got the good new for kiku.

Neeh- Ok maa I will come with you.

Masi- No I want you to stay here and take care of prerna I will go with my brother told evening itself. I will go and pack you guys talk.

Roh- Ok maa I will book your ticket.

Neeh- Ok we should have a party.

Rish- No I don't want the Basu's to know about the baby it can be a dangerous for prerna and the baby.

Roh- Ok we will say it is a party for getting the Bajaj mansion back.

Pre- Yes Rishabh please can we have the party.

Rish- Ok.

In the afternoon

Pre- Masi are you sure you want to go alone.

Masi- I'm not alone my brother will be with me.

Roh- Lot's go ma I will drop you off to the airport. And after reaching there you will meet your brother and then will go on together.

Masi- Rishabh I want to talk to you came with me. Bye prerna and Neeharika and take care of kiku.

Masi- Rishabh prerna is now pregnant that explains why you want to go back to London I will not come my dad is sick so I will be here with him and stay with my brother for 2 or 3 year but you will call me everyday and tell me if it is a girl or boy. Ok and take care of prerna and yourself.

Rish- Ok masi don't worry and if you need anything just call me.

Masi- Bye. Rohan and Rishabh take care ok

Roh- Bye maa.

Rish- Bye masi.


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