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time skip (sorry not sorry)

and sorry this is so short but.. like-

Wilhelm's pov:

Everything's great again. For now at least. Marcus is gone and August is sitting in the prison. Finally. He got like 2 years or sum so I won't probably ever see him again. Which is great. Me and Simon are doing great and we had hang out with Lukas and his boyfriend a lot lately.

And even tho I could live home now since August is out, I still decided to live with Simon. Okay, he basically begged me to so. But it's nice. I like hanging out with Simon and some times with his friends too. We haven't bump into Marcus at any point so that's nice as well. Don't have to beat his ass up every time. He's a dick. 

Well anyway that's it, me and Simon are going to meet Lukas again, but this time it's with my mom. Probably just something about the Prince stuff.

"Wille wake up! We're gonna be late!!" I hear Simon mumbling and shaking me by my shoulders.

"Uughh I don't want to go." I whine and pull the cover over my cold body.

"Come onn.. It's probably some royal shit.." Simon murmurs.

"Yeah exactly. I'm no Prince anymore so I don't have anything to do about it.." I complain.

"You can't always expect something bad if your mom wants to talk to you.." Simon whines.

"yeah yeah whatever. Can we please cuddle before??" I put on my best puppy face.

"Your such a baby." He rolls his eyes playfully and cuddles next to me.

"I know." I chuckle.

"Why do you wanna go so bad right now..? I thought you hate these royal things?" I soon ask.

"I don't hate it. I just hate how they don't respect other people cuz they think they're better.." He sighs.

"But they are..." I smirk.

"Fuck off you bitch!" He laughs.

"Okay okay I'm just kidding.. I know...it's not nice.. but it's not like they're all mean and shit.." I say as I move curl away from Simme's face behind his ear.

"yeah.. I know.. Just that how they treated you because you like a boy.. it's just.. horrible." He says without looking at me into my eyes.

"Hey.." I say quietly and lift his chin up so he looks at me. "It's okay. I'm okay now.. people can change. And.. I think it was just because they were scared how people will react to it all." I cup his face.

"Mmmh." He murmurs.

"Mmh?" I murmur back to get his attention.

"Yes.. I know. I'm happy now tho that they're accepting you.. and that you came out.." he smiles lightly.

"I'm happy too.." I smile. "and I would do anything for you. You know that." I mumble.

"I know. I love you." He says and press his lips onto mine.

"I love you too." I say after the kiss.

"Now come on we have to go!" He gets up and I just groan and then get up as well.

*At the castle*

"Hi Wille!" Lukas comes and hugs me. "And Simon." He smiles and pats his back.

"Hey." We both say at the same time. 

"So.. why are we here?" I ask.

"You'll see Wille.. you'll see." He smirks.

Me and Simon both took a glance at each others and then walked to the office my mom was. There was also my dad and some other guy I don't know.

"Wilhelm." mom smiles. "Simon.." she continues as we sit across her and others.

Lukas sits next to me quietly.

"Hi mom." I greet her back.

"So.. Wilhelm.. Lukas told me something yesterday.." she starts.


"Huh.?" I say confused and look at Lukas.

"He said that.. you don't like being the Prince.. since it's too much pressure and you can't do it by yourself, isn't that right.?" She asks.

"Uhmm I- I mean yes.. I think.." I say confused.

What are they planning now..?

"So we have and idea.." she says.

should I be scared or exited.. what is going on..?

"Okay.." I say so she can continue.

"Would you.. wanna be the Prince.. with him." she asks little hesitating and lifts her hand up and points at... him.

A/N: Hahaa I'm so mean to leave it like this 😈

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