The Music Room

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Simon :

I leave at Wille's dorm and go find Marcus. I found him talking with August. "Yeah, fr" I overheard him. 

"Uhm Marcus.. Can I.. talk to you?" I look at him, August and then him again "Alone" I continue.

"Sure whatever" He answer while looking at August with smirk on his face. We go to our dorm and I close the door. "So what you wanted to talk about honey?" He asks. 

"Stop calling me that." I say annoyed. "Why?" He smirks "Is love better then?" He looks at me in the eyes with a stupid face. 

"No. We're not dating. You can't call me that!" I say with a serious tone. 

"Yeah yeah whatever. What you wanted to talk about?" He rolls his eyes. "Why did you told Wille that we're dating? And why are you so mean to him? He hasn't do anything to you?!" I ask him. "No. He has not. But he has hurt you. So I just thought that I did a favor for you." he answers. 

"I never asked you to do that? And you don't know anything about our relationship so stop intervene to our business." I say and try to leave but he grabs my arm. Shit hes strong. 

"Then why he hasn't told you that it was August?" He says. "What?" I ask confused. "August uploaded the video of you and Wilhelm." He says with a death stare. "Wha- August..? Ho- How do you know that?" I ask. "Oh honey I know a lot of things." he grins and loosens the grip.

             *The next morning*

Wilhelm :

I woke up and I was feeling great. Ignoring the fact that I got a huge panic attack and did sh... Me and Simon are finally great again. I think. At least he actually talked to me and he even smiled to me. God I missed his beautiful smile. He's generally just so pretty. 

I went to my first period and when Simon walked in I smiled to him, but he only glanced at me once, he didn't say anything, he didn't smile or looked happy when he saw me. What happened yesterday after he left from my dorm.. 

He sits behind me next to Marcus. I looked at him but he just stared the floor. The class started and I looked at him every now and then. I heard Marcus saying to him something but I couldn't hear what. 

Simon said "Stop." to him and once again I turned my head around and looked at him. He looked so uncomfortable and then I saw Marcus's hand on Simon's leg. That made me wanna throw up. Were they actually dating?!

After class I went find Simon and when I did, I violently dragged him to the music room. "What do you want?" He asks annoyed. 

"Wha- What happened? Is everything okay, why won't you look at me?" I ask worried. "What do you think?" He says without looking at me. 

"Well I don't know?! Everything was just fine yesterday? What happened? Did you talk to Marcus?" I ask. 

"Yes Wille, I fucking talked to Marcus yesterday!... And you know what he said?!" He yells. I look at him confused and scared only thinking about what he could had possibly said to him. "You know what. I was right the day before yesterday. You only think about yourself.." He said looking at me like I had killed someone. With disgust and with water in his eyes. 

"Simon.. Please don't.." I say tears in my eyes. No no no this can't happen we were finally doing great. "Please tell me what I did.. I-" I stopped. Shit I'm crying again what the hell.. 

"You didn't bother to tell me that August was the one who uploaded the video.. of us." He says slowly. A tear runs down on my cheek. Fuck. Did Marcus told him that.. How did he knew. 

"Simon I.. I'm so sorry I.. I was just trying to protect you.." "PROTECT ME?! Are you kidding me? No you were not trying to protect me, you were just protecting yourself, your family, the crown. You don't care about me. Maybe you never had." He said before rushing out. I was now standing middle of the music room tears in my eyes, about to absolutely break down.

Sorry this one is bit shorter but it's fine. I just wanted to thank you for 10 readers! I know its not that much but Im grateful of themm <33 Anyway have you watched the Wednesday? What did you think? It was really good in my opinion. And whos your fav character? Mines definitely Enid she's so cute :3

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