The Lake

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                       *In the morning*

Simon :

I woke up at 8:26. I get dressed and go eat some breakfast. I got to my class but I notice that Wilhelm isn't in the classroom. He wasn't at the breakfast table either. Shit. What if I was too harsh on him yesterday.. What if I hurt him or what if he thought that- oh shit I hope he didn't thought Marcus and I are together.. No he couldn't-.. Why do I even care so much? I was supposed to stay out of this shit...I hope hes okay tho. 

Wilhelm : 

I woke up. But I decided to just stay in my room today. I just can't face Simon today. Maybe Im overreacting but I feel heartbroken. I don't even care if I get absence markings anymore. 

I try fall back to sleep until I hear a knock on my door. I got up and open my door. It was Marcus, Simon's roommate. "Uhm hi?" I say. 

"I'll make one thing clear. Simon is mine and there's nothing you can do about it. Simon doesn't like you anymore and you have to accept that. Move on bro, he doesn't need you anymore. You're anyway just hurting him" Marcus says coldly and then just walks away before I could say anything. '

I close my dorms door just stand there. Middle of the room, thinking about what he just said. What the hell. I didn't know they were that close.. I thought they just met. Maybe hes right tho. Maybe Simon really doesn't like me anymore. 

"You're anyway just hurting him" Marcus's voice spin in my mind over and over again. Fuck.

Simon : 

I havent seen Wille whole day and Im actually getting kinda worried. Gosh no, maybe Im just overreacting hes fine, hes probably just too lazy to get to class or maybe hes just sick. 

I was about to go for a walk outside but I pumped to Marcus on the way. "Oh hi!" he says. "hi.." I answer. 

"How are you darling?" Marcus says with a flirty tone. Darling? What the hell?! "Excuse me?" I say to him. "What?? I'm joking don't take everything so seriously." He laughs. "yeah hah" I say.

"where are you going?" Marcus asks. "Oh uhm... just outside getting some air." I say nervously. "Orr.. you could come with me to our dorm" he winks an eye and looks at me up and down. I really hope hes not thinking what I think hes thinking. Ew, we just met god no. "No thanks.." I say with a awkward smile and just quickly walk outside. 

Wilhelm : 

Later that day I was feeling really sick so I just took my jacket and went outside for a quick walk. I almost was having a panic attack. It was pretty late already so it was kinda dark in there. 

I walked to the lake but when I got there I found Simon standing there alone. I was pretty surprised finding him there. I mean this was kinda like our spot but still. I didn't think he would be here of all the places.. I was about to leave when I accidentally cracked a wood stick and that made Simon turn his head. 

"Wilhelm? Is that you?" He asks. "Y- yeah" I stutter. "What are you doing here? And where have you been this whole day?" He asks kinda worried. 

"Oh I uhh.. I wasn't feeling so good." That answered both of his questions. "Oh.. okay" He says. "You know I'm really sorry for yesterday.. I uhh I didn't mean to be so.." I cut him of "distant, ignoring me?" "yeah.." he mumbled.

"You could at least tell me about your boyfriend.." I say with a annoyed and hurt tone. "Wha- who? Marcus? He's not my boyfr-" I cut him of again "Don't lie to me. Please Simon.." 

"I- I'm not lying to you!?" He takes a few step closer to me. "Oh really?" I say kinda angry. "How I can trust you?" I continue.

"You don't trust me?" He asks seriously rising his brows. 

There's a silent for a few seconds before I start with "I-" but he cuts me of. 

"Gosh Wilhelm are you fucking kidding me?! So what, now you're not trusting ME after YOU betrayed me?!" He's basically yelling at me now. I stay silent just staring at him. Bad idea, I should've said something, anything.

"I can't believe you.. This is exactly why we don't work. You are always thinking about yourself, never anyone else." He says like he's disgusted in me.

I feel my eyes watering and I just stand there, like an idiot, doing nothing. Does he really think that about me.. Fuck maybe he's right. Maybe I do just think about myself. He only leaves mad without saying another word to me, leaving me standing there all alone, once again.

A/N: Short chap, sorry xx, 812 words.

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