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Wille's pov :

I was now just planning the idea how to get a payback to August and Marcus with Simon and Felice. We were in my dorm just discussing about it and all.

Me and Simon talked things through this morning and we're good now. He apologizes like million times but I feel bad since I think I should be the one apologizing.. and I did but he just said it's not my fault and I said the same to him so yeah.. anyway we decided it's best to pretend we're not together anymore and we won't even talk to each other's in school so Marcus or August won't suspect anything.

We decided to maybe take the recording to police and at the same time we could bring the sex tape thing up to help us to get August into prison. And of course we won't let Marcus alone, we'll go to the principal and show the record to her too and tell them Marcus abused me.. He did get a warning last time so now he'll so get expelled. 

But the thing is I kinda have to talk to my mother.. since the press haven't post August's interview, no one yet knows about what have happened. No one knows August will be the new Prince. So we can fix that before they post it.. but that means I have to talk to my mother about everything. 

Felice sent the recording to me so my mom can listen it. And probably.. hopefully she'll understands how bad it actually is and won't even try to rescue August. I only wish..

"You okay?" Simon asks and gently places his hand over mine. "Hmm? Oh.. yeah. Of course." I smile. 

"Are you sure?" Felice makes sure. "Mmh.. I- I just.." I sigh deeply and then continue. "I'm nervous.. cuz I have to talk to my mom.." I stutter.

"Why..?" Felice asks. 

"Because.. I feel like she's not going to believe me or.. or just won't care." I mumble quietly. 

"Why she wouldn't? She's your mother! And we have proofs." Felice comforts. 

"Yeah.. she's still your mother after everything and she loves you." Simon says as he rubs his hand around my back.

"Hmm.." I sigh.

"I can come with you." Simon says. "What? No I- You don't have to do that.." I stutter.

"No seriously. I wanna come. For you." He says and smiles.

I smile back and then we get back on planning our little revenge for Marcus and August.

Later that day me and Simon went to meet my mom. I called her before and she said it was fine for us to come and talk to her. I didn't tell why even though she asked but oh well.

The guards let me and Simon in and we slowly stepped trough the open door. I was nervous and Simon could notice it so he gently grabbed my hand to comfort me. I smiled at him and we walked over to the living room.

My mom and dad were sitting there just chatting. I coughed to get their attention. They both looked over to us at the same time and we just greeted them and went to sit on the couch across form them.

"So.. what did you wanted to talk about?" She asks and takes a quick glance on Simon. 

"uh.." I say for a start trying to ignore how nervous I am.

"Just.. Listen this.." I say and offer my phone to them.

They look at me and Simon confused but then press play and we four were all just sitting quietly, listening the recording in the big quiet living room. 

It ended and any of us didn't make a sound. I swallowed loudly and took the phone back. 

"Oh fuck." Mom says and I was kinda shocked actually to hear her curse. I've only heard my father swear few times but not my mom.. like ever.

"Gosh Wille I am so sorry.." Dad starts and then stops when mom stands up.

She called one of their employee and when she came she told her to get rid of August's interview as soon as possible, I breath out the breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

I was relieved. Simon smiled to me happily and I smiled back and squeezed his hand.

"Wilhelm." mom called me and my smile dropped quickly as I stood up. "yes..?" I ask biting my lip nervously.

"I'm sorry." She says and hugs me tightly. I stood there my hands next to my waist not hugging her back but then I slowly wrapped my hands around her. 

I don't even remember when was the last time we actually hugged. It feels weird, but in a good way.

"I.. I'm sorry for kicking you out.. I only thought you couldn't be here when August lives here.. You can of course come back any time." She smiles lightly. 

"Yes.." Dad carried on. "And now who will be the next Prince.." He continues quietly talking to himself.

"I guess you still don't want to be the Prince huh?" mom says and looks at Simon who is still sitting on the couch. 

"No.." I say and smile while taking a quick glance at Simon.

"And.. it's really not only for Simon, mom. I.. I haven't ever liked it that much.." I mumble quietly.

"I know.." she says and pats me on my back. 

"Well.. I'm really happy you came to us after what I did. We'll take care of this August thing so don't worry about it okay? And just for you to know, the next Prince will be your cousin Lukas." she said and walks away.

No way Lukas? He's so nice! He'll be a great Prince.

"So.. that went well right?" Simon says as he stands up and walks over to me.

"yeah.. Thank you.. for coming with me." I smile and he smiles back.

"Now come on. We have a boy to expel." I smirk. "Hahaa! You're such a bad ass." He smiles. 

"I know." I say flirty winking an eye to him. 

A/N: yall I have mixed feeling about Kristina.. I meann.. She's a bitch but then she's not. Anyway I hope you have amazing day/night whateverr <3 

Young Royals season 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon