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Third persons pov:

Simon and Wille has been now together again for few weeks. Everything is great and they've spend a lot of time together. They have mostly just hangout. Make out. Have sex. Well anyway it's currently 6:26 p.m and they're both doing an history project. They are both in the same group with Henry.. and Marcus. They didn't get to pick their groups so that's why.

Henry: "Soo uhm.. you guys have any ideas? I could be the writer since I have a laptop here."

Simon: "Well I guess we could put this at least" He says and points a sentence on his history book. Henry agrees and writes it up on his computer.

Wilhelm: "We should add this picture on it." Wille suggest and shows a pic on his phone.

Marcus scoffs at Wille and lets out a small laugh.

Simon: "What? It's good. We can put it." Simon noticed that Wille went really uncomfortable after Marcus's reaction so he was defending him.

Marcus: "Yeah yeah whatever." He laughs and rolls his eyes.

Henry: "Okay, Wille send it to me so I can add it on this."

Wilhelm: "Yea.."

They spend doing the project for an hour maybe but Marcus didn't do anything but just mocked at them and their 'bad' ideas.

Wilhelm: "So.. uhh I don't want to read anything then so u can do it.." He says quietly.

Marcus: "What? No way bro that's not fair!?" He teases.

Simon: "You can't afford to say that, it's not like you have been doing something on this anyway." Simon answers quickly and gives a death stare to him while grabbing on Wille's arm to calm him down.

Marcus: "Ugh whatever." He rolls his eyes for the 54th times already.

Henry: "Okay I finished this now. You guys want anything from the cafe?" He asks while standing up.

Wilhelm: "I'll have a latte thanks."

Marcus: "I'll have a cup of coffee, with sugar."

Henry: "Simme could you come with me? To carry all the orders..?"

Simon: "Yeah sure."

They leave and now there's only Marcus and Wille sitting on their chairs. Marcus on his phone scrolling trough Instagram and Wille working on the project doing the final touches.

Marcus: "So.. you and Simme huh?"'

Wille doesn't say anything he just glances at him and then looks over on the computer again.

Marcus: "That's weird, isn't it?"

Wille: "What?" He asks and moves his eyes quickly on him.

Marcus: "I meann.. You and Simme? It's just weird that Simon would pick a boy who's fat, weird crybaby who can't even stand up to himself." He laughs.

Wille: "The fuck you mean by that?" He asks angry.

Marcus: "Cmon man. We both know that he just feels sorry for you since you cut yourself. I mean I would cut myself too if I looked like you bro.. You fat ugly bitch."

How the fuck he knows.. no.. that's.. I'm.. fat? Oh fuck Simme he.. He just feels bad.. Marcus is right.. I- no fuck I'm gonna have a panic attack right now. No not now I can't burst into tears right now..

Wille's eyes starts to water and Marcus noticed it.

Marcus: "Ohh so now you're crying again. What a pathetic bitch you are. And yes. I know you cut yourself. I saw your scars while we were working on the project." He laughs.

Simon and Henry got back with the orders and when Simon noticed Wille's puffy and red eyes he knew that something bad happened.

Wille ran out as fast as he could to the closest bathroom. !TW MAYBE! He pulls out his phone on his pocket and opens his phone case. There he was hiding his blade just incase. He picked up the blade and hold it on his arm fighting the urge not to cut.

Then only a second later Simme runs in the bathroom and shocks immediately. He runs over to Wille.

Simme: "Hey hey Wille.. put the blade down okay.. please Wille don't do it. I'm right here Wille it's okay, your okay." He repeated when Wille closed his eyes as shut as he could.

Simon slowly took the blade out of his hand and threw it away. He hugged Wille roughly while Wille was just crying.

Soon he calmed down and before Simon could say anything Wille asked him quiely: "Do you.. you think I'm... fat..?"

Simon: "What?! Wille why would y-" He stops for a second. "Marcus told you are fat?!"

Wilhelm: "I.. He- yes.."

Simon: "Oh no.. Wille no. You are NOT fat. I promise you.. you are perfect okay? There's not absolutely a single thing wrong with you. And what if you were? So what? I still love you no matter how do you look, okay? You're perfect to me and that's enough."

Wille: "We both know that's not true... I'm a fat, ugly, weird crybaby who cut himself cuz that's the only way he can run away from his problems.." he sobs.

Simon: "No Wille don't say that. Marcus is just an asshole who's jealous of you. I promise there's nothing wrong with u. You are not ugly or anything AT ALL. Trust me I'm telling the truth you are absolutely perfect. I know you can cry a lot but for a reason. That doesn't make you a crybaby. Okay? You have been trough a lot" He says calmly.

Wille sighs deeply and then Simon places a quick kiss on his lips. Wiping away his tears form his face after kissing him again.

Simon: "I love you." He smiles.

Wille: "I love you too Simon."

They both smile and they chat a while and Wille opens up a little about his problems and all his insecurities and Simon listened and comforted him. They went back to the classroom they were working on. Marcus already left since it was pretty late but Henry was there on his phone waiting them to come back.

Henry: "Took you long enough. You okay Wille?"

Wilhelm: "Yeah I'm fine thanks, Marcus's just being a dick."

Henry: "Oh yes he totally is. I told him that he can read all the stuff since he hasn't do literally anything for this project. And yes don't worry the teacher agreed to that so you don't have to say a single word." He smiles.

Wilhelm: "Thank you so much Henry." He smiles back to him.

Henry nods and before he left he stopped and said: "Oh yeah and Walter is staying over at our dorm for tonight soo could you Simon pleeasee stay at Wille's dorm?? For only tonight I promise!!" He begs.

Wille and Simon both look at each others and the back at Henry. They both shout at the same time: "WHAT??! WHEN!?"

Henry: "Uuhhh.. I uh. I confirmed my feelings to him like you advised me, Simon. Andd he said that he likes me too!!" He smiles.

Simon: "OMG! I'm so happy for you guys! And yes I'll stay over at Wille's dorm tonight.." He takes a glance at Wille and continues: "If.. that's okay..?"

Wilhelm: "Yes, yes of course." They smile each others.

Henry: "YES!! Okay goodnight now lovebirds." He winked at both of them before leaving.

A/N: ooohh more of Henry and Walter!! ;) Anywayy Marcus is being a bitch again. Not a surprise tho. Thank you sm for all the votes and read aahh ILYY <33 hope u have amaizing day/night whateverr.

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