Break up

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Wilhelm's pov :

Next day was really anxious and went soooo slowly. I took million glances at the clock but it didn't move. I felt like time had stopped. I bit my nails nervously and shook my leg. "Are you okay?" Simon asks as he places his hand on my leg to calm me down. I take a deep breath in before answering: "yeah.. yeah I'm fine. Just nervous." I smile. He was about to ask something, I figure from the confused look on his face but the teacher told us to be quiet so he didn't get change to.

After school ends I walk carefully to August's dorm. I hesitate a second but then I gently knock on the door. Two second later August opens the door slowly. He has this annoying grin on his face. I step in looking the floor, hands behind my back. I look up when I see another pair of shoes. It was Marcus.

My blood boils when I see him. Only remember what he did to Simon. I wanna punch him so bad right now. I look at August with anger in my eyes. "Calm down Wille. He's with me." August rolls his eyes.

I scoff and ask: "Fine whatever. What did you want to talk about?" I lean on the wall and cross my arms.

"You have to break up with Simon." Marcus says casually.

"What?" I laugh. "Are you serious?" I laugh even more. This is hilarious. 

"Yes." August says.

"And why do you think I'll do that?" I ask confused still a stupid smile on my face that screams 'are you kidding me?'

"I don't know... maybe with this." Marcus says and throws a jar of pills to me.

'Micke Erikkson' it says and my heart drops.

"What..?" I say lowering my voice. 

"Yes. if you won't break up with him we'll bring that.." August says and points the jar in my hands. "to police, and say that Simon, first of all, stole that from his father, and secondly he gave it to me." he grins. "Oh and we'll edit the story so Simon is the real bad guy here and ends up to prison." August smiles to Marcus and I snap. "YOU MOTHERFUCKINGBITCH I HATE YOU ASSHOLE!" I yell and attack to August.

I try to hit him on the face but cuz he's stronger he grabs my arm and says coldy: "So what is it then Wille? You don't really want him to go to jail don't you?" He smirks. 

I wanna cry and shout at him but I stay quiet for a while. I can't just let them put Simon into prison. I love him so much tho I can't break up with him.. I need him I can't lose him, no no not again. When finally, FINALLY everything is okay now.. gosh. This is so messed up..

"Fine, okay I'll break up with him. But you have to give me the pill jar before." I say confidently. 

"That's a deal." August says and offers his hand. I scoff and roll my eyes not shaking his hand. "Oh and you have to take this mic okay?" Marcus says as he stands up. "So we'll now you won't tell him about this and you guys just 'fake break up'" He offers a microphone to me. 

Oh shit.. That was exactly what I was going to do. Fuck off. "Fine." I say and rush out of the room. I place the mic in my pocket before stepping in my dorm where Simon was already waiting for me.. like usual.

My heart start beating faster and faster. I close the door slowly and then turn around on him. "Hi love." He smiles and gets up. He walks over to me and opens his arms for a hug. I back off a little and just keep looking at the floor.

"What? What's wrong?" He asks worried. Gosh I already have tears in my eyes. 

"We have to talk Simon." I say quietly trying not to burst out to tears. "Okay.. someone's serious." he jokes but when he sees that I am serious actually his smile drops. He sits on the bed and I stand in front of him leaning on the wall, hands in my pockets.

"So.. What is it?" he asks after the awkward silence between us. 

"I uh.. I can't.. I can't do this anymore." I say biting inside of my cheek. "You can't do what?" He asks confused. 

I close my eyes for a second. God damn this is hard. I sighs and start stuttering something again. "T-This.. U-us.. I-" I take a pause and then let it all out. "I'm breaking up with you, Simon." I say as a single tear falls down on my cheek. 

Why the hell this has to hurt so much. It fucking sucks. I just wanna wrap my hands around him and hug him until he can't even breath anymore. I wanna kiss him until we're both gasping for air. I wanna cuddle next to him as we watch some stupid show from Netflix. I wanna wake up next to him every morning of the rest of my life. Like we promised.

"You're what?" He scoffs. "good joke Wille cmon." He smiles. I stay silent and when I look at him with my teary eyes his smile drops. "What.. Wille what is this? Is this some kind of stupid prank?" He starts to panic. 

"No.. I- I'm sorry Simme I just.. I need to do this. I'm sorry please don't be mad at me.." I sob. 

"Are you kidding me..? Why- why are you doing this?! What did I do Wille?" He stands up and takes a few steps closer to me. "Wille.. did I do something? Please don't leave me Wille.. I'm sorry if I did something I'm sure we can figure this out.. like- like we always do." He walks over to me.

"No..No Simon stop!" I sob when he places his hands on my cheeks wiping my tears away as just more tears are coming from my red eyes. "Wille please tell me what did I do??" He furrows his eyebrows. "Nothing. You did nothing. I'm doing this for you trust me. Juts please Simon. Please don't make it any harder." I beg. 

"I don't get it? You were just find yesterday? What happened Wille? Please just talk to me." He starts crying as well.

"No..." I look away trying to avoid his eye contact but when he forces me to look at him I snap. "NO SIMON JUST LEAVE! LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE JUST LEAVE!" I yell and as soon as I realize what I just said, a wave of quilt flows all over to me. "o-okay.." He says quietly and just runs away with tears rolling down on his cheeks. 

I collapse on the floor as soon as the door closed. I just cry. There's nothing more I can do. Just hope that Marcus won't try anything on him anymore. I hope he'll be okay... I won't..
but if he's happy I'm okay.

A/N: uh oh! Sorry yall don't kill me for this. D: ily byeee <3

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