A Knife In The Night

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When a creak from a loose floorboard woke me from my sleep, the only light in the room was from the open window. Lying still, I listened to try and hear what was going on. Another creak confirmed my suspicion.

There was someone in my room. 

Reaching over slowly, I touched Striker's hand. A light squeeze told me he was wide awake and had heard it too.  A third creak told me the intruder was maybe five feet from the foot of my bed. 

Time seemed to freeze for a brief moment. This was the assassination attempt. A quick knife in the night and no one would know about it until the red dawn spilled from the windows onto my corpse. I closed my eyes again as Striker squeezed my fingers harder this time, willing me to stay still.

All of a sudden, the stillness shattered and time seemed to fling itself forward. In the blink of an eye, Striker sat up, pistol in hand. A sharp crack vibrated through the room, hurting my ears and surely waking up everyone else in the palace. I heard a thud as the intruder hit the floor. 

There was a brief silence before the sound of footsteps could be heard. Then all hell broke loose right there in my bed chamber. 

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