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"Have the preparations for the masque been completed?" I asked absently. I really couldn't have cared less about a party, but it was my duty to make sure it was seen to. My attention was more focused on the accounting books sitting before me.

The portly sinner at my right hand bowed, "Of course, your majesty. Everything has been made ready down to the last detail."

"Very well then." I dismissed him without looking up. 

While my privy council would typically handle this, I had the last sinner in charge of the books executed for skimming funds. I really have no stomach to tolerate cheats. Since then, I had taken it upon myself to go over the accounting books myself. 

After what felt like minutes but was surely hours, a quiet voice pulled me from my books, "Your Majesty, your bath has been prepared. If you do not start getting ready, then you will be late for the masque."

I looked up, feeling the stiffness in my neck, to see my lady-in-waiting, Mary. Closing the account book, I replied, "A queen is never late. Everyone else is just early."

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