Frozen in Time

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By the time the feast and dancing were over, my head was swimming from the wine. By all accounts, the evening had been a resounding success. Striker had allowed me to lean on his arm while I made my way back to my own chambers, weak kneed from the dancing and drink.

I had allowed Striker to lead me in dance after dance to avoid Lord Lyle and the other courtiers who were just looking for a moment to ask for a favor. And while I knew this scandal would be the talk of the court by morning, I found myself hardly caring. It had been worth it to not have to deal with the endless requests like I was some kind of genie they had summonsed from a lamp.

"Thank you," I said as Striker pushed open the door to my inner chamber. Inside, the covers on the bed had been turned back by some dutiful maid. 

"Of course," Striker replied. I supposed this was the moment where I would let his arm go and just tell him goodnight. Whether it was the wine or the moment, I didn't want to. 

"Seriously, thank you." I repeated, "Everyone always wants something from me. Being able to enjoy myself tonight was a gift."

Our eyes locked for a long moment. Time felt as though it had frozen in place. There was no one else but Striker and I trapped in this little pocket of peace. Slowly, as if time had begun to thaw, Striker leaned in. My eyes closed as his lips brushed against mine in a soft kiss.

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