"Follow My Lead"

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"Who the fuck are you?" I said breathlessly, so surprised, I nearly forgot for a moment where I was and who I was. The imp seemed as surprised as I, and we both stared at each other for a moment. 

A small shift in his stance made me look down, where I saw a pistol. Looking back up into his luminescent gaze, I asked flatly, "Who are you here to kill?"

"He's not here." The imp growled, tucking the pistol in his waistband. I thought back over who I had danced with tonight, remembering a guest I had not yet seen. 

"Lord Barnaby," I said, knowing I was right when he didn't contradict me. To be honest, I couldn't blame him. Lord Barnaby was an obnoxious man with bad breath and an overreaching opinion of himself. More than likely it was his wife that wanted him gone.

Glancing over my shoulder, I untied a small mask tied at my waist. Handing it to him, I said, "Quick, put this on."

Giving me an odd look, he did as I asked. Satisfied, I nodded, "Now, what is your name?"

"Striker." The imp was watching me warily.

Taking his hand, I whispered, "Follow my lead, Striker."

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