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I glanced at a maid in the corner of the room preparing tea. Striker has spoken low enough that the only one that could hear him was me. Turning back to him I replied in the same low voice, "What about last night?"

Striker gave me the ghost of a grin, "If that's how you want to see it..."

I looked away, suddenly not able to meet his gaze, "It was the moment. I won't deny it, but I cannot have the gossip going around the court."

My bodyguard made a disgruntled noise before replying, "I see."

I wanted to say more but the door opened and another maid entered with several gowns for me to choose from for the day. It felt odd to leave our conversation at that point, but there were too many others in the room for us to continue. With a sidelong glance at Striker, I turned away and went back into my bed chamber to change. 

Later on, as I was walking along the path in one of the inner gardens that surrounded my castle, I replayed our conversation in my head. Striker was only a few paces behind me, but the three other attendants prevented me from saying anything more. I wanted to continue and clarify what I had meant, but the only opportunity I would have is later at night.

Heavy is the Head | A Striker x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now