False Leads

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"You should eat something, Your Majesty." A maid fussed with a tray as she watched me pace back and forth. I only glanced at her, not bothering to reply. What was bothering me did not need to go into the ever-revolving circulation of servant gossip. 

 An hour ago, I had sent Striker out with a group of trusted guards I had done background checks on myself. The imp had been sent to bust the assassination group he had uncovered.

I had grown accustomed to my roguish shadow following me around. This was the first time I had sent him off on.  And even though he had been gone barely an hour, it felt odd to not have him here.

After about twenty minutes, the sound of boots on tile could be heard coming towards the door. A guard opened it, and a peeved Striker stormed into the room. 

"What happened?" I asked, waving the maid out and motioning for the guards to shut the door.

Once we were alone, Stirker hissed, "The lead was false. They know we're looking for them and leaked a false meeting to cover up the real one."

I took a deep breath. There was nothing more we could do tonight. Motioning towards the abandoned tray, I sighed, "Well, you should come eat then. We will regroup in the morning."

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