Lord Lyle

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"How do they enjoy this?" Striker asked from where he stood at my shoulder. Below where I sat on the dais, couples danced and gossiped about each other. I had been to dozens of these social events, but having someone who I could say more than mundane pleasantries to was refreshing.

I glanced up to see Striker scan the crowd for any suspicious activity. He was dressed in a tailored solid black suit. Though it was a simple outfit by the standards of a court, it suited him well. 

I myself had chosen a beautiful black gown with silver embellishments (pictured below). It had taken my maids several hours to get my hair and makeup completed. I felt like a doll on display. 

"It's a chance to shake up the boring routine," I answered his question, watching as a portly sinner in a disheveled suit waddled up towards the dais. Lord Lyle always asked for a dance at these sorts of functions, a task I despised. After all, who wanted to dance with someone who permanently smelled like rotting onions and only could talk about their poodles?

"Your Majesty, may I have..." Lord Lyle began.

"I'm afraid the queen isn't free," Striker interrupted, holding out his own hand for me to take. I looked up to see a coy smile on his face, "Her Majesty was just getting ready to dance with me."

Heavy is the Head | A Striker x Reader StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang