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Despite our discretion, by the next afternoon there were already rumors flitting about that Striker had spent the night in my rooms. Personally, I was certain it was the state of my dress that had tipped off the maids. Maids adored any sort of gossip and spread it like Hellfire every chance they got.

I had known there was some bit of gossip when the court was milling about the lawn, some playing croquet, some idly chatting. A few sidelong glances were enough to tell me that. I had vaguely wondered what far-fetched half lies one of the bored courtiers came up with this time.

I caught on when Lady Marchell quipped from behind her fan, "I heard your bodyguard has been guarding you extra well into the night, your Majesty."

At first, I felt a twinge of panic at being found out, but it quickly passed. These sinners had entered my court and expected me to lead them. Why should I fear what they thought of me?

Holding out my wine glass for a maid to refill, I replied with a sly smile, "Yes, I'm very fortunate. I realize we cannot all be so fortunate. Tell me, how do you cope, Lady Marchell?"

The look on her face was priceless.

Heavy is the Head | A Striker x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now