Uncovering the Pieces

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Eventually, the court settled into its normal routine. Striker's novelty never fully wore off with the court ladies, but I could at least say they were not overly obvious about it. He had become another face in the crowd here at court. I couldn't complain though, it allowed him to uncover the plot much easier. 

"They've been covering their tracks well," Striker reported, "But I think I have the time and place of a covert meeting uncovered."

We were walking in the garden that spanned across the lawn. My ladies were walking a discrete distance behind us to allow us privacy, but Striker walked only a step behind me.

"Well done," I replied, "When is it?"

"Tomorrow night," Striker answered, glancing behind us to make sure no one was eavesdropping. I glanced back as well, dropping my fan in the process.

Striker picked up the dropped fan and dusted the dirt from its delicate embroidery. Still kneeling, he held it up to me like an offering. Complete with that roguish smile of his, I couldn't help but be amused at the picture. 

"You should stand," I said softly so that only he and I could hear, "Kneeling doesn't become a man of your temperament."

Heavy is the Head | A Striker x Reader StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant