The Dance

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I allowed Striker to lead me out to the floor among the other dancing couples.  Keeping my eyes on the imp, I could only imagine the outrage Lord Lyle must be feeling. Striker led me to the center of the dance floor, well away from where another courtier could cut in. With one hand holding mine and the other on my waist, he began to lead in the steps. 

"Thank you," I murmured so that only he could hear. 

Striker chuckled, "Isn't it my job to protect you?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Is that the only reason?"

He gave me a grin that would have captivated a nun, "Do you want it to be?"

It had been a long time since anyone had talked to me like that. For a moment I didn't know what to say. My reaction seemed to amuse him.

"You're rather forward." I finally commented, trying to regain my footing in the conversation. 

Striker's hand squeezed my waist as he replied, "You surround yourself with men who smile and lie to you. Don't you want someone who will at the least be honest with you?"

Heavy is the Head | A Striker x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now