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"Thank you, you may leave for the evening." I dismissed the maid who had been waiting on me. This dismissal left only Striker and myself in the room. My bodyguard was staring out the window at the guards patrolling below. As soon as the door clicked behind my maid, it felt as though the world had shrank until it only left the two of us.

"Can we talk?" I asked, moving so that I could stand beside him and peer out the window. 

"You're the queen, all you have to do is command." He replied coldly. 

I had absolutely no idea how to even begin to respond to that. I was used to sinners keeping their distance out of respect, but Striker had shown me more humanity than I had experienced in years. This forced role separation yawned like a bottomless cavern between us.

"I don't want to command..." I finally replied, "I just want to talk to you."

Striker turned to look at me, his glowing eyes staring into the depths of my soul, "What about?"

"The kiss...our kiss."

The imp raised an eyebrow as if to ask what about it. Taking a deep breath, I continued, "I'm sorry that I said I was worried about what the court would think. I have spent so long worrying about what others thought about me that I forgot to care about what I thought about myself. I don't regret our kiss, Striker. How could I regret the first genuine affection someone has shown me in the last five years?"

Heavy is the Head | A Striker x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now