Striking A Deal

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My heart hammered in my chest as I led Striker out from behind the pillar and joined the dancing throng. There were so many on the dance floor, it was easy to get lost in the swirl of skirts and perfume. Even a queen and an assassin could be inconspicuous. 

Leading Striker in the dance, I whispered, "Keep your eyes on me and smile like you're enjoying yourself."

The imp gave me a roguish smile, murmuring, "And why would a great lady want to help me?"

I glanced around, making sure no one was listening before I replied, "Because I want your help. A favor for a favor."

Striker's smile never faltered, "What sort of favor?"

"There is a rumor about an assassination attempt on my life no one can pinpoint when or where it may happen. As it stands, I do not trust the bumbling idiots employed on the case."

The imp chuckled, "And what makes you think I am not the hired assassin?" 

I gave him my most charming smile, "If you had been, I would have been dead behind that pillar. Besides, who better to find an assassin than an assassin?"

"And what would my duties be?" He inquired.

"Stay by my side as my personal guard. Observe those around me and listen to the whispers in the salons and corridors. Keep me alive and I will reward you handsomely." I answered. 

The song came to an end and each dancer bowed to their partner. Peeking up at me from his surprisingly formal bow, Striker murmured so only I could hear, "Then I am at your service."

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