"Oh fuck me." Fiona muttered.

Michel growled.

"Time to go, Abby!" Fiona grabbed the girls hand and yanked her towards the exit.

The constant sound of claws dragging themselves on the ground made the hunter's heart pump faster.

Suddenly the moonlight touched the girls skin as they escaped their eternal darkness.

Of course Michel was still after them.


The girls halted and so did Michel.

"Sam!" Fiona smiled.

"Eat this!" Sam held a flare gun in his hands and fired.

Michel burst into flames and screamed in agony.

Then the screams stopped.

Michel huffed and stared at Sam.

"W-what the hell?!"

"Sam, run! Go!"

The Hunter struggled to find another capsule for the flare gun when Eric came out of hiding.

"Suck on this you dick!"

"Eric no!"

He pulled the trigger of his flare gun and watched as it exploded on Michel's back.

"You people never learn do you?" Michel charged for Eric only to be stopped by Fiona's bullets.

"Leave my friends alone beast!!"

Michel roared with rage. His claws swiped left to right as he tried to attack Fiona.

"Fiona!" Dean shouted as he exited the cave.

The beast looked at Dean then back at Fiona.

"More food to eat." He sneered.

Fiona pulled her trigger once more only for her gun to click. She was out of bullets.

"Looks like you've got nothing left."

"Abby, go over towards Sam, he'll protect you."



The girl wasted no time. She dashed over towards the youngest Winchester and hid behind the bush with Eric.

Michel's head whipped over towards the three and he bared his fangs.

"Wait!" Fiona shouted.

The creature stopped.

"This is between me and you, alright?"

"Why do you think that is?" Michel asked as he slowly walked forward.

Dean watched in shock as he heard Michel speak for the first time.

"What the hell is this? Wendigos don't speak."

"Look, you obviously know who I am, right? Then you must know about the Winchesters."

"You're correct." He smiled. "But the only Hunter I want is you!"

"You want me? Then come and get me!"

"I want you're entire bloodline!!" Michel roared as he stood taller now.

"Then Come and get me you ugly mother fucker!"

Fiona darted into the trees. Michel followed behind her.

"Fiona no!" Dean shouted as he followed after the huntress.

Tress whipped past her as she ran. Loud footsteps seemed to be closing in on her.

"Fuck! What was I thinking?!"

Suddenly Fiona decided to face the facts and stopped. She quickly turned around to face Michel only to find he wasn't there.

Her heart dropped.

The Hunter dared to call out for Dean. She knew he had run after her.

"What the hell do I do?!"

Fiona's hands began to become sweaty. Her heart pounded against her ribs.

"Fiona?!" Deans voice echoed.

"D-Dean?" Her voice shook.

"Where are you?"

Fiona slowly backed up against a tree. She felt the wood prickled against her back as she breathed heavily.

Fear began to settle in. She couldn't decide what was real or fake.


Fiona caught her breath. Tears burned her eyes and threatened to fall.

That voice. It wasn't Deans. It wasn't Michels.

It was her father's.

"Fiona don't listen to it!" Dean shouted. She could hear him wack twigs and leaves out of his way as he tried to get to her quicker.


"Come to me baby! Follow my voice!"

Fiona began to recall the first night she was attacked by the supernatural.

The way her father held her as she shook in her hospital gown. The lifeless head of a vampire lay not two feet from her.

His soft voice assuring her it was alright. Everything was going to be ok if she didn't look.

So, Fiona closed her eyes. She released a huff of air and stepped away from the tree.

That's when she heard heavy breathing. She heard the snaps of large branches breaking.

Fiona could practically hear Michel smiling at her as he knew he had her.

He raised his claws and swiped violently at Fiona.

The only thing she saw was darkness.

Pure darkness.

Caught on Camera § Dean Winchester Where stories live. Discover now