Chapter 14

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~The next morning~

Ryuk cam into light’s room, “Have you finished studying?”

“Yeah” Light was laying on his bed, “Where were you all night”.

“At my house” you walked in, “Ryuk dragged me over here”

Light ignored, he clearly had more important things to think about. You saw his behaviour as a chance to just leave but you sat down a his desk and started reading the death note.

“I didn’t miss anything, the only gamble was the bus incident. It’s impossible to link it with kira, I doubt anyone knows kira can kill by means other than heart attacks” He became lost in thought “If anyone was to discover’ll be a problem”


“Right now?” Sayu whined.

“Your dad has been pulling overnighters and he needs clean clothes, you’ve got to give this to him”

“But i don’t wanna go” she complained.

“I could help you take it” You offered scaring the mother and daughter since they didn’t know when you arrived.

“Ah, then I’m going” Sayu said, “You know for dad of course”.

“It’s no problem I’ll take it” Light said also coming out of nowhere.

“Eh~ thanks I guess. Y/n-nee and I will stay here talking then byeeee” Sayu sang holding on to you.

“But I uh-“ you tried to say. In all honesty you wanted to use it as a chance to leave but that was gone now. You let out a defeated sigh.

Sayu dragged you to the couch, “What were we talking about before, oh yeah! Your type y/n-nee”

You laughed a bit, “well...”
On a train, Naomi was still think about her lover’s murder.

“On that day Raye said he was going to Shinjuku. On that same day there were four heart attacks in that same area. And a bus can’t be a coincidence, Kira can kill by other means other than heart attacks.

Meanwhile....Light was trying to call his dad but his phone was switched of, which was quite unusual.

“Maybe he’s in a meeting.” He entered the building.

“You have to help me, I have to speak with someone from the task force” The former FBI agent pleaded.

“I told you already, there’s no one here” the receptionist explained.

“There’s no one here, dad’s phone is also off, what is going on?” Light’s thought.

“Well is there any other way to contact them?” the lady requested, “It’s something very important relating to the case"

Light’s eyes widened, “the kira case?!”

He walked to the desk stating his name and told them he wanted to drop clothes for his dad. He asked that they kept it for him in his absence while and the receptionist made small talk with Naomi listening, but there was one thing that caught her attention.

“Does that mean you’re gonna be working on the kira case?” the receptionist asked.

“Yes, if all goes well I’ll be able to beat L

Beat L?”

The other receptionist who was with Naomi told her once more that there was no one around, he offered to relay the message for her but she refused.

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