Chapter 11

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December 20th

4:26 pm

Mr detective stormed into the office. He searched for the man in black but to his dismay, he was no where to be found. The chief came in soon after, “Where have you been?, you showed up in the morning, left immediately and disappeared for hours”.

He ignored what Yagami was saying, “Look see, we’ll talk about this later. Have you seen the guy that carries L, like in a lap-“

“I understand detective, he’s outside”
He quickly ran checking every hallway till he saw him at the elevator.

“W!” he yelled trying to catch his breath, “I-i want to talk to L”

He was blindfolded and being lead by W to see L, they stopped at a dark room with the only light source being a laptop.

He pressed a button.
“Ah wata-“ L was interrupted.

“There’s someone here” he quickly intercepted.

“I see, but first have you found the girl yet?”

“No L, it’s quite hard seeing as you didn’t give me her name....or anything else for that matter”.

L sighed, “Who’s there”

“The detective”

“Hm state your business”.

“Raye Penber” the detective went straight to the point.

“How did you find out” L was slightly shocked but impressed.

“Not necessary”

“What business do you have with Penber?” L asked.

“He was sent to investigate the Japanese police force, understandable. So why is Y/n L/n also being followed?”

“Because of you, you are both connected the same reason we’re following her is the same reason the chief’s son is also being followed.”

“But these are completely different, he’s the chief’s son and she’s-“ The detective was cut off.

“Mh thank you for coming, I have things to do goodbye.”

~In Light’s room~

Light placed his fingers on his lips, “Not bad, for a first kiss”

“Eh~ you too?” You had a calm demeanour even though you were completely shocked inside

“Yeah” he confessed.

You sighed, “I mean I thought my first kiss would be with someone I had feelings for, you know”

“Nakamura?” he asked.

He was answered with silence.

“Well my first kiss was also with someone that doesn’t have feelings for me either, so...”

You laughed, “Quite sad huh, well it’s probably time for dinner” you walked passed Light and gave him a punch across his face.

“What the fuck y/n?!” he held his cheek.

“You know you deserve it” you said.

“Like you didn’t like it” he teased.

You gave him the middle finger and went downstairs.


“Light what happened to your face?!” both your mothers asked with worry laced in their voice.

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