Chapter 10

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Light was right behind Raye Penber ready to execute his plan.

“If you turn around or try to put your hand in your pocket, I will kill you on the spot” Light threatened.

Raye’s eyes showed nothing but fear, “it couldn’t be, but this voice I’ve heard it somewhere”. His voice quaking.

“Incase you don’t believe me there’s proof”. He Light added, “I’ll kill the man with the glasses, the one working at the coffee shop you’re looking at”.

It was true....there was a coffee shop right in front of them and a man with glasses was working there, “Th-that’s ’s impossible. Don’t, don’t do it”.

Before Raye could do anything the man had a heart attack and died, I had no choice. If I didn’t kill at least one person you might not have believed me”. Light spoke regularly seeing as his voice was covered by the screams of everyone near by.

“It’s fine though, the asshole as been repeatedly accused of sexual assault. You should be thanking him, now your sisters, daughters and wives have one less problem to worry about” you cheered quietly.

“Th-there’s two of you....” Raye was petrified, he couldn’t even think at this moment of who those voices could belong to.

“You may have already have heard from L that I cannot kill someone unless I know their face” light whispered “but you see I could kill everyone you see here. If you have any requests consider them done”.

“Remember if they have no one but yourself to blame Penber” you whispered poking his back gently causing him to shake.

“I don’t have any, don’t do it” he pleaded, “I believe that you’re kira”.

“Your love ones mean more to you than the strangers here right? Consider them be hostages.” Light threatened.

“Y-you know about her?” he questioned scared for 'her' well being.

“That’s right, we know quite a lot about you”. Light told him, “I shall kill everyone including your family if you don’t comply, you too of course”

“Understood” he agreed accepting his fate. “what do you want me to do”.

“You have a computer, correct?” Light asked “is there a file in the agents who have come to Japan?”

“Laptop is for work” he explained.

“Oh my god, reallyyyyy? Who would have thought?” you sang rolling your eyes at him.

“I-i always carry it around me, but those files aren’t in it” he finished.

You sighed and handed the envelope over to light which he handed over to Raye, “Then take this envelope. First take out the transceiver and put on the earphone”. And so you both surreptitiously slipped from the crowd.

“This toy like transceiver?” he thought, “but it won’t leave a transmitting record anywhere and we can talk at close range even underground, they’ve really thought this out”

“Please take the Yamanote line” Light instructed. “I’ll be watching from a close distance”.

You whispered to light, “It seems the stalker becomes the stalked” causing a subtle laugh to leave Light’s lips.

“When you’re on the train, look forward and keep your eyes focused on one spot” he continued “ once you’re on, sit in the corner closest to the door, if it’s taken wait until its free”.

He was now in the correct train, at the correct seat.

“First I must ask you something, if your answer differs from what I expect, I will kill your girlfriend”. Light warned. “how many FBI agents are in Japan, and how are they organised? Answer into the transmitter”.

Joker🃏| Death Note Fan Fic| Light Yagami X Reader|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ