Chapter 4

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I’m back....

At first I didn’t know how to start this story and I kinda hated it (still kinda do) but it’s getting very fun to write.

OK so um slight changes

-let’s pretend a human can touch a shinigami if they let them
- if a shinigami touches you with the intention of killing you, you will die
- if they touch something else by mistake that person/thing will die

Yup that should be all.....
Light was scared, very scared, everything just started for him, there was hope for humanity so how could everything go horribly so soon.

There you were death note on the floor, you on his bed holding the sides of a floating Ryuk's face. You were captivated by the creature standing in front of you.

Light quickly shut and locked the door.
“How did you get the death note” Light asked, you could tell he was furious.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, it was literally in your drawer” you replied not leaving your position.

“I hid it, I fucking hid it, I know I did!" Light yelled but not too loud to be heard outside. He pulled you down from the bed by your hand.

“Ow” you muttered trying to free yourself from his grasp.

“How. Did. You. Find. The. Note.” he asked once more in a serious tone.

If there was one time you’ve ever been scared of someone it was right now. You knew what he could do, you read the rules.

“I was looking to see if you had hentai....” you said avoiding his gaze.
He looked at you signalling to continue, “And I saw the drawer, and it was very suspicious that the key was already in there so I-“

“Thought it was a trap.” Light completed “how did you open it though?”

“Checked around the drawer and found a hole, I got the plastic thingy in the middle of the pen and-“ you attempted to explain.

“It’s fine, I understand” He muttered “you’re actually very smart”.

“ah~ thank you, it wasn’t that hard but don’t you think setting your house on fire is a bitch much?” You asked genuinely curious in his thought process.

“It’s just a measure set in place incase of-“

“N/N, WE’RE GOING HOME, YOU CAN STAY HERE TILL WHEN YOU WANT!!!” You heard your mom scream.

“It’s okay I’ll just make Light take her mom later” you heard the muffled voice of Light’s mother say.

And with that they left.

Light picked up the note and took a seat on the chair near his desk, “His name is Ryuk, a shinigami, God of death” Light simply stated not even looking at you.

“And I like apples” Ryuk added with a chuckle.

“I see, so yagami why do you have a notebook of death?” You asked.

He looked at you with pure confusion, did you not read the book? With your intelligence he assumed you would have put two and two together.

In all honesty you would have figured it out but you didn’t want to compare Kira to anyone, you thought of them as someone you would only have the privilege of admiring from out of your reach.

“Firstly you can call me Light, secondly I’m kira” he stated with an emotionless expression.

“YOU’RE WHAT?” you whisper-yelled, you were shocked you didn’t even know what to do. You were in front of someone you considered god-like.
He looked at you and put his index finger to his mouth. “shh”.

“All the questions you asked make sense now.” You recalled

He walked over to you and lifted you chin up to meet his gaze. A devious grin graced his lips.

“You’re quite impressive y/n, your ideals and thoughts are second to none” he spoke

You spoke and it barely passed a whisper, “T-thank you”

“Would you do anything for me y/n”.

You nodded still in a trance like state.

“Let’s clean this tainted world” he lead closer to reach your ear “you and me, huh?”

"Let’s judge the wicked and make a new world Light”. Your breathed out

“Good girl” he spoke not leaving the position.

“My mom was right” you thought not knowing you said it out loud.

“About?” Light asked.

"Its nothing" you lied.
"He really does smell nice..." you thought.

“mh” he responded “remember the question I asked earlier?”

“Which one, at one point I was just being interrogated” you muttered loud enough for him to hear.

“What would you do if you met Kira”

You froze

Fuck. Wverything you did while asked the last time. God that was so embarrassing, you were sure he was aware of the disgusting thoughts going through your head at that moment.
You quickly turned away fully laying own on his bed.

A smile came across his face, he really liked teasing you, there was some type of pleasure he got from destroying you sly attitude. He liked you more submissive, easier to use.

Ryuk found both of your behaviours to be very strange, he wanted to know what was going through your minds.

Joker🃏| Death Note Fan Fic| Light Yagami X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now