Chapter 12

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~At the police headquarters~

“We may all be killed by kira, I just want to make that clear.” The chief started, “think of your lives and loved ones. If anyone wants to be dropped from this case, please resign”.

“If you resign, there will be no consequences” Mr detective added, “we only want those that are confident to stay on this case, those who can sacrifice anything”.

“That is all” Soichiro dismissed.

Meanwhile....a woman distraught by the loss of her lover, looks for clues to find his killer.

(They’re actually both so gorgeous tf😭😭😭, oh well)“Ah yes I remember him but I don’t remember the other passengers” the bus driver said

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(They’re actually both so gorgeous tf😭😭😭, oh well)

“Ah yes I remember him but I don’t remember the other passengers” the bus driver said.

She was very disappointed but there was nothing she could do. She thanked him and left.

“If what I’m thinking is correct, kira should have been among those passengers” she thought walking wherever her legs took her, “if so I can find kira along the path the bus took”.

~At the police headquarters~

Soichiro and the detective looked around the almost empty room, there were only 5 people remaining.

“Only five remaining, well 7 including I and the detective”. He observed, “I should be happy as many as five are willing to risk their lives”

“I trust all of you who have a strong sense of justice” L praised.

“Wait a minute, L says he trusts us.” A detective with an afro(I don't know.if its afro but his hair is high, im gonna call him afro, sorry) said, “But we don’t trust L”.

“L, we have decided to risk our lives to catch kira” another one with black hair spoke, “but you never show your face not to mention all you do is boss us around”.

The one with afro spoke again, “We cannot work with someone like that!”

“L, if you want to work with us to catch kira would it be possible for you to come here?” Soichiro offered

“Earlier I said I trust you all” L put out. Watari then turn the computer and a message was written on it. ‘please keep what is about to happen a secret among the nine of us. I would like to meet the seven of you as soon as possible’. He typed, ‘Before that, to go outside the police building and decide once more if you trust me or not’.

All seven detectives were outside the police building. “Why does he suddenly want to work with us” the one with black hair asked, “he’s solved multiple cases on his own, he could do the same this time. And judging by the way L has been conducting the investigation he’ll probably send a double to meet us”.

“A double huh? Seems reasonable” the one with afro reasoned.

“I-i trust L” Matsuda defended L, “Plus we also need his help in this case”

Another one who was taller than the rest spoke, “Me too”

“L said from the beginning that he needed help from the police in this case” the chief interrupted turning his back to the rest, “Think about it like this, L was waiting for this to happen”

“For what to happen?” Matsuda asked
“There were people from the investigation that didn’t trust L from the beginning” Yagami started to explain, “Then detectives kept on resigning and our confidential information was leaked. And you can’t run an investigation without trusting your partners”

“So L was waiting for the task for to the whittled down to the people he could trust” Matsuda guessed.

Soichiro replied with a yes.

The black haired detective gritted his teeth in anger, “I’ll rather resign that join L” and with that he stormed into the building, “Don’t worry I won’t trail you to find L”

Another detective, the shortest among them with a low cut spoke, “I trust L and will try to cooperate with him”

The remaining agreed.

“Mr detective? Your opinions” The chief asked.

He was on a bench away from the rest, Soichiro sensed something was wrong so he decided to speak to him.



Yagami put a hand on his shoulder, “Are you alright?”

“I don’t want to keep on lying to y/n about me being a detective anymore chief” he lowered his head, “I really just want to protect her but I barely see her anymore, I really do love her a lot”

“I can’t say anything about the bus incident as well” the detective thought.

“Ah, I understand but you shouldn’t let your resolve weaken. It’s going well as it is” Yagami gave his shoulder a squeeze “Let’s go”

“I an currently in a room at the Teito Hotel” L informed, “I shall be switching hotels from now one every few days, from now on I want you to think of these rooms as the de facto center of the investigation.”

L gave them more instructions to secure his safety.

Matsuda, the chief and detective were now at L’s hotel room.

“Come in” someone said from the other side. And so they did, they twisted the door knob and-

Damn I don’t think light or y/n made an appearance this chapter that’s crazy.
Oh yeah, today (12/12/22) I finally posted like a chapter before chapter 1 I’ll probably release chapter one in a minute.

LMAO I ended posting 2 instead.

(I didn’t remove this 🔝cause I just liked it)

Very funny story😅 I was supposed to review, make corrections to, and update this but I got dragged into deep hole that is tiktok (Mostly Avatar ones😭). I'm sorry, I'll update like 3 times in one day the next time.

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