How could I have forgotten that my father was in the same house?! For all I know, he could've heard us!

The soft tap of the coffee cup settling on the table made me look up through my lashes, expecting to see Bidziil before I nearly choked on my tongue when Dad slowly released the cup and gave me a wink.

"Looks like you need some caffeine to stay awake after the restless night you two had." My mouth dropped at dad's teasing jab while the others chuckled softly, even Alduin rumbled in amusement from outside before one golden eye blinked lazily in front of the window.

His eye seemed to shimmer with amusement before he blinked again, watching me closely. "You better fill up Thorn, when precursors mate for eternity, they tend to get rather hormonal, if you get my drift."

The dragon laughed heartily when I blushed and stared at my hands, fidgeting when I was pulled in Bidziil's lap and a plate shoved underneath my nose. I gratefully took the food as a distraction and started to eat, shivering as Bidziil rubbed soothing circles on my lowerback.

My eyebrows pulled together at the nagging pain in between my shoulder blades before Bidziil rubbed his hands over them. The ache soothed slowly though it remained present while Bidziil continued to massage and rub at the spot.

I stood up with a sigh and grabbed my dirtied dishes before slipping out of Bidziil's hands and turned to the kitchen. A sudden sharp pain in my shoulders made me arch forwards, the plate and cup slipping from my trembling fingers to crash into the floor.

At first I thought I must've pulled a muscle during the unusual physical exertion last night but when I heard several curses as well as Alduin's angry roar shake the building, I let my eyes fall down.

The tip of an arrow peaked through shoulder, a crimson drop slowly dripping off as the arrow flashed brightly in the sunlight. I was stunned, feeling as if I was looking on outside my body as my hand trembled and reached up.

Pain seared through me as I touched the arrow, confirming that there was an arrow indeed stuck in my body. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion but somewhere I knew that was logically impossible.

Bidziil grabbed a hold on me, being careful of the arrow and pulled me back just as three sharp flashes of light shot down from the sky and landed where I stood moments ago.

The arrows embedded themselves in the floor all the way to the tail feather, flashing brightly before they shattered into shards of light and disappeared. A large shadow passed over the window as Alduin took flight with a roar, no doubt in hot pursuit of my attackers.

Dark entities shot after Alduin as my dad glared up at the sky, producing several unnamed entities while I shivered in Bidziil's hold. "Thorn?" he murmured in my ear, voice shaking and vulnerable before he heaved a relieved sigh when I looked up at him with a wince.

"What were those?" I asked, already knowing the answer as soon as the question slipped from my lips. Bidziil softly grabbed a hold of the arrow and snapped the head off before using his fire to disintegrate the arrow completely.

"The angels have found you and declared war with their little attack. They want to kill you before you get into your full power." His eyes darkened with anger as his flames licked at the wound, following the trail of blood up my chest until the wound slowly but surely disappeared.

I was lifted before I could even protest, not that I would've; my legs were still shaking as my mind slowly processed that I had been attacked...technically by my own family. My heart clenched in my chest before Father's voice stopped me from getting depressed.

"Those cowards got away but they'll try again. As much as I hate to say it but we have the advantage here. They need to get to Thorn before he gets his full powers and judging by the way his powers are fluctuating wildly, that could be any day now. Its probably the reason why they found him."

--Bidziil's POV--

I nodded as I shifted Thorn in my arms, pulling my love closer against my chest. Those uptight assholes dared to attack him in my home! From now on, Thorn was going to have a constant companion wherever he went and if I had a say of it, it would be me.

Jason gave me a pointed look before he nodded. "You're absolutely right Bidziil, its best if Thorn stays under your constant guard. Not only for the angels that'll likely attack any time soon but you're the only one that can help him relax when his powers get too much."

At that, I almost smirked as I thought of several ways to 'calm' Thorn down now that I had the possibility. Nodding once, I turned and left for the sanctuary of our bedroom so Thorn could get a relaxing bath.

My powers were already creating barrier after barrier so that nobody could enter my realm without being invited while countless safeguards were being drawn around the house.

I looked down when I felt Thorn stir against me before I registered the question he had just repeated. "Are Lyra, Noah and Blake safe? Your family-"

"Trust me, they can take care of themselves." I reassured him with a chuckle, sitting down in the tub as the warm water enveloped us. "As for the kids, we'll protect them with our last breath, Thorn. Don't get any ideas of surrendering to stop this fight because I will go through heaven fire itself if I need to drag you back in my arms."

His eyes widened a bit before he chuckled and nuzzled under my chin. I hummed pleasantly as he slowly relaxed, muscles quivering from the abundance of stress that finally slipped away.

If those Angels thought they were going to kill Thorn, they had another thing coming. I wasn't above killing those pretentious bastards if they stepped one toe on my land and after their ruthless attack, I was starting to make some plans of my own.

I was sure that not all the Angels thought the same way about this situation; some would even gladly rebel against their so-called God if they could. God wanted a war? I'll gladly give it to him.

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