I am admittedly confused. I know Rose is a caring person and I have always appreciated her constant attempts to make me talk even when I didn't want to but I never thought it meant anything more than her trying to make her work life more bearable.

"Rose," my voice softened and her eyes flashed, her body seeming to freeze. "I'm sorry." I apologized. Even if I didn't understand why, I know she genuinely cares.

She blinked a few times, her fingers latching onto each other as she glanced at me up and down. Her tongue flicked across her lips before she cleared her throat and relaxed a bit. "...thank you for apologizing." She said softly.

I nodded and we continued to stand there for a moment. Both of us allowing the other to collect ourselves. "Would you like something to drink? Tea? Water?" Kai spoke up, both of our heads turning towards him.

Roses stare flickered between me and Kai almost as if she was trying to decide if she could trust him. Or decide why I was with him in the first place.

"Tea. Please."

He nodded and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving us alone.

"Who is he and why are you here? Do you live here?" She questioned with a soft urgency.

I shook my head and slowly stepped toward the couch. Rose sat next to me, a good space between us and her body facing me. She seemed eager to hear my response; eager to hear my explanation.

"That man is my friend. Kai. This is his house. Something happened and he offered to let me stay here until it's all resolved."

"What happened?"

I stared into her eyes to see pure worry. I know Rose can't hide how she feels but this feels different. There is so much urgency in everything she is doing. Her questions, her tone, her body language. All of it is showing me a different Rose. Almost like a passion. It's like I'm watching her worry about something she is passionate about.

"It's not important, Rose. I'm ok." My hand rested gently on top of hers. I tried my best to offer her a reassuring tone, hoping to calm some of the unruly emotion in her eyes and slow the beating of her heart because even I could hear it.

"Does he know?"

"Of course Rose, he ha-"

"Why does he get to know and I don't. I'm your friend. You just met him," her hands clasped mine as she leaned in slightly and her eyes pleaded with me to give her answers; to listen. "He's basically a stranger Cel." She whispered, her voice shivering.

Even though I have Kai and being genuinely cared for isn't an entirely new feeling, it still feels off. Especially from Rose on this level of intensity.

"I mean, you never miss work. You didn't tell anybody. You didn't tell me. Why would you even trust him?"

I chuckled slightly and shook my head. "I got hurt but he helped me. Im really ok. I...promise i won't not tell you again, ok?"

For the first time since we began talking, she breathed normally. She leaned back, her dainty fingers letting go of mine and resting again in her lap. She offered me a small nod just before Kai came in holding a tray of blue teacups and a tiny bowl in the center of it all.

"It's mint tea. I hope that's ok." He smiled up at us as he set the tray down on the coffee table.

"Thank you, Kai."

I glanced over at Rose and saw how untrusting she was of Kai and his presence which is unusual considering I thought she liked him in the beginning, but I guess since I'm basically living with him for right now, she has to learn to fully trust him.

For the next hour Kai attempted to converse with Rose and I was stuck as the mediator as Rose refused to give Kai any other response other than a nod or a 'hmm.'

It wasn't completely awkward nor was it a grueling experience. I think I learned more about Rose today than I have in the past how ever many years I've worked with her. And by the way Rose stared at me I could tell she was learning new things about me too.

"She was...nice." Kai chuckled, stuffing his hands in his paint covered pockets.

I hummed and nodded. "She liked you when I first told her about you but I guess she doesn't like the situation we are in now."

I stared up at Kai as he stared down at me with an absent smile and a questionable excitement in his eyes. "You talked about me?"

I rolled my eyes, unable to keep myself from smiling. "She saw you come in and I just told her who you were. She was shocked that I...smiled at you."

If it was even possible—which I guess it always is with Kai— his eyes and smile became blindingly brighter.

"Who wouldn't smile at you," I pinched his cheeks between my fingers as I shook his head around slightly. "You're just so adorable." I mimicked a baby voice as he laughed.

His hands held mine as he pulled them from my face. "Haha. You're so funny." His smile faded slowly as he stared down at me.

And I guess it took either of us too long to notice that his thumb was gently grazing the side of my hand and he was giving me that same unmasked look. I felt the same way I did when I first met Kai but now, instead of butterflies and a nervousness that could wreck anything in its path, it was soothing. So calming that it felt dangerous. Like it could completely devour you so entirely that you'd forget you were in danger.

And for a moment, I didn't want it to end.

But it's Kai. And I like Kai for his kind heart and sweet words. I like who Kai is now.

I pulled my hands away and to my sides. Guilt flushed my body as I saw something break in his eyes.

"You..are you ready to go to sleep?" He said softly.

I nodded and he reached for me. "I—I'll try to do it by myself this time."

His hands lingered as he stared down at me with uncertainty. "Are you sure?"

I nodded and slowly stepped around him and toward the stairs before ascending them carefully. Kai standing just behind me like a safety net if I were to fall or miss a step.

When we reached the entryway of my room we exchanged slightly awkward well wishes and sweet dreams before disappearing into each of our spaces.

Oh Kai.

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