"Thank you, I'll remember tha—" She tensed as I heard her phone ping, but before I could register her reaction, she relaxed again. "That's probably a friend of mine. I'm supposed to meet up with her in a couple of minutes."

"Then I won't keep you any longer," I said with a hint of regret. I did want to keep her. Fuck, I was fucking obsessed with this girl, and I didn't know how I would be able to be close to her only two days a week and then simply watch her leave.

"Okay. Well, thank you again, Professor Wright. I appreciate you checking up on me." She'd said my title hesitantly, as if she wasn't sure if she should refer to me by the title of her professor or by my first name.

Hearing her call me professor made my cock twitch, which was not the appropriate time to get turned on. I'd never had a professor-student kink, but something about the way Emma's mouth formed around the words was nearly impossible to resist. It didn't help that I knew her intimately; I knew how her body responded to mine...how prettily she submitted to my will. 

In a way, the relationship between a professor and a student could, to some degree, be compared to that of a dominant and a submissive. Like with a professor and a student, and with a dominant and a submissive, both relationships had a specific power dynamic where one held more power over the other.

Fuck. I forced myself away from that train of thoughts before my pants tented enough for her to notice my reaction.

Clearing my throat, I gave her a smile. "No worries. Have a good day, and I'll see you again on Friday." Which were four long days away. It was another thing to meet her twice a week when I knew I would have her for hours, but this was different. And even if I would continue to see her now, I couldn't do more than sneak a peek once in a while, while teaching. I could only hope she would forgive us soon and we could get back what we had before because this was practically torture.

"Have a good day too." She smiled back sweetly, but once again, I noticed the change in her. Her smile was strained, and not the real one she used to give me. All over again, I hated us for hurting her. We'd be lucky if she ever forgave us.

I waited until she left before gathering my stuff and returning to my office. I had a couple of hours of work before I finished the day.

My office was nothing to brag about. It had just enough space for a desk, a chair in the front of the desk and two visiting chairs at the back of it, and a shelving unit that took up an entire wall. Every piece of furniture was mahogany, while the walls were beige, and the carpeted floors were an ugly gray. But even if it was simplistic, and I didn't much care for the hideous floors, it was a place that had felt like home for years. This was where I relaxed as I worked on the syllabus and the materials for the semester. But as I sat down at my desk and booted up my computer, I felt anything but relaxed. My mind was so keenly focused on Emma that I struggled to concentrate on my job.

Emma had turned me into a completely different person in the sense that I was usually work driven—when I was at work, nothing could distract me from my tasks—but now I'd rather stay with my girl than do what I need to. I'd never been one who'd been hung up over a woman, but maybe that was because I hadn't met someone before who'd stolen not only my heart but my mind as well.

There was no secret that I was the 'emotional' guy in our friend group. I wasn't as cold as Gideon or as controlled as Callan. I didn't hide my feelings from me or my people. In fact, I embraced them. What was more non-Robert—my father—than having no emotions? Having a shit ton of it. Like I'd said, I strived to be the opposite of him.

Realizing I wouldn't be able to concentrate for shit, I decided to take my ass to the staffroom for some food and a nice cup of tea. I stopped halfway to the staffroom, hearing my sister's friend's unmistakable, high-pitched tone.

What the fuck was Jennifer doing here?

Another earlier chapter! Got another date, but wanted to ensure you guys got your chapter first x

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Another earlier chapter! Got another date, but wanted to ensure you guys got your chapter first x

I've seen a few who was unpleased with the last chapter, and please know I am taking the feedback to heart. This book is only on its first draft, but I am noting down whichever chapter is in need of a re-write when I start the second draft. Hopefully, you guys found this chapter more enjoyable!

Wishing you all a wonderful day (or night). Remember to take care of yourself, and stay safe <3 

Next chapter will be posted 28th at 12PM (GMT), or earlier depending on my plans for the day

Yes, Masters (Book 2 of Desire's Den)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن