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I have an idea of where I wanna go with this again so I will be updating soon. In the meanwhile another update on Sweetness should be out, tomorrow or tonight. And 


I don't give a flimmity flammity fuck if you think Tahiry is too expressive to an extent where she's embarrassing, I'm ngl. Mainly because that's the entire point. No shade to anyone who expressed they felt that way as we are all entitled to our opinions. (If you've followed me for a while you'd know I've came a long way with me responses/patience so bear with me I promise I don't hate yall)

For character context you can read further. These are just my thought's behind the intentions of Messiah and Tahiry seperately.

I only say that to say this is fiction. I don't really care to write about a perfect relationship where the two people mesh perfectly and never argue. I don't think it's bad content if anything it's refreshing and I enjoy it as well but that's not this and that's obvious. I don't write 'toxic' couples, the relationship just isn't always great all the time. I wrote Messiah to be passionate but impulsive, and strong on following his heart. Too much heart not enough brain.

 The next few chapters I have planned for this book will be devoted to Messiah learning what it means to love Tahiry the way she want's to be loved, take that how you will. Josiah and Kylan as well. 

Tahiry. Her character is devoted and serious but she has abandonment issues. She's used to being alone and not used to interpersonal relationships and grasps to the ones that matter to her. It's also stated that she has BPD. Messiah is her comfort person, she went through a period of grief when their relationship was tattered. If you're  a perfect well rounded individual who would've simply moved on with their life regardless of the love that they once and still do find in a person for the sake of pride, congrats. She is not. I made that clear early in the book, 13 or 12 I believe.  

chapters take time because I think of my characters as real people I've created in my head, so sometime's I go off script from what I intend or usually do. I don't write in cheating or anything like it because it's a turn off for me. However, I thought lol Messiah is a fuck up and a whore. But he wouldn't do anything with anyone being in love with Tahiry. The cheating that took place, yes cheating, was intended to show a drastic change that would take place in his character and hers. Hence me taking forever to reboot new versions of them without rushing in.

To put it bluntly Messiah did exactly what he thought he'd do early on, ask her out because that's what he felt he wanted in his heart knowing he was still indecisive. Cheating won't be a reoccuring subject as he's fully aware of what he want's and what matters, he was the second he let himself be swept up in appeasing what he thought was 'true to him' (being single or dissatisfied with one person). I realized my mistake with Jades fear of commitment was he never showed signs of not trusting monogomy but instead he feared rejection. Messiah watching his parents be devoted the way they were played into his fear of dependency.

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