Dream Crusher

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"Finally, I will be able to live a life that I always dream of, and can pursue my passion and dreams." Gauri said kissing the visa.

"Gauri, I am happy for you, but I am going to miss you." Arjun said laying on the sofa, in his apartment.

"I will miss you too, Arjun but you do know right, this is my dream." Gauri said sitting beside him. "Don't worry, I will face time you, every night." She cheered him.

"Hmm... Who will give me warm hugs, and hot cakes." Arjun pouted side hugging, "Who gives me a shoulder to cry every time, some idiot breaks my heart, and especially who finds and hooks me up with hot guys, if you go away."

"Don't worry, I will set you up with a hot guy before I leave to California next week, and if someone breaks your heart, no matter how or when, I will fly back to break his limbs." Gauri said rolling her sleeves.

"You are the best friend ever." Arjun grinned.

"Aww... Thank you." Gauri hugged Arjun.

"What will you do if your dad finds out the truth that you are going to California to pursue your dream to become a chef, and not to join as an intern under Mr. Carson?" Arjun asked.

"I am keeping it under covers, I hope everything goes as per plan, till I reach California or at least till I leave Mumbai." Gauri crossed her fingers.

"You know that your dad can still drag you back to India from Cali right?"

"I am not going to let him know, Shivaay bhaiyya planned everything and Mr. Carson too agreed to play his part in this drama in return of a deal from Shivaay bhaiyya. For Papa and rest of the world I am going to California to learn business fundamentals from One of the best businessman and only we know that I am going to live my dream. Nothing can go wrong and no one can stop me from achieving my dream this time." Gauri said confidently.

"Anyways, I am happy for your freedom, stay safe."

"Don't worry, Anika and Shivaay bhaiyya are there to take care of me." Gauri smiled, "Leave about that we still have one week to give farewell speeches to each other, let's go party tonight." Gauri shouted.

"Yes, let's hit the bar and rock the floor." Arjun shouted with Gauri, as the both began to jump on the sofa.

"I am really happy, Arjun, finally I will be away from the tyrant aka my dad." Gauri grinned.

Gauri's mobile rang loudly flashing the name Tyrant.

"Talking about the devil." Gauri rolled his eyes taking the call. "Hello... "

"Ok Papa."

"Yes Papa."

"Ok Papa."

"Yes Papa, will be there."

"Ok Papa." Gauri said before the call disconnected.

"What orders did you receive now." Arjun asked pouring the coffee in the cup.

"To see him in his office in half an hour." Gauri said rubbing her temples.

"Here's your coffee." Arjun said giving coffee cup to Gauri, making her frown.

"How many times should I tell you that I like to drink my coffee only from my favourite ceramic cup." Gauri said slapping Arjun on his forehead, as she walked inside the kitchen, and retrieved the white coffee cup with the quote, Donut angry me printed on it.

"Sorry, I forgot." Arjun apologized rubbing his forehead.

"My coffee feels good only when I drink from this cup. The only reason I don't drink coffee in my home." Gauri said emptying the coffee in one gulp. "Have to rush, Papa doesn't tolerate tardiness." She said as she grabbed her car keys.

"Come back soon." Arjun shouted.

"Wash the cup." Gauri shouted back.

"We are very glad that Oberoi industries are willing to collaborate with Sharma industries, I really hope this deal brings the best of both worlds, Mr. Oberoi." Shakti Sharma said forwarding his hand for a shake.

"I wish the same, Mr. Sharma." Omkara Singh Oberoi said shaking his hands with Shakti Sharma as they signed the deal.

"Would you like to meet our team?"  Shakti asked.

"Sure, Mr. Sharma I would like to know the people, with whom I will be working with." Omkara replied.

"I will ask my assistant to make arrangements for the meeting, till then if you want anything, don't hesitate to let us know, if you need anything, Mr.Patel will assist you." Shakti said pointing at a neatly dressed man.

"Sure, thank you Mr. Sharma." Omkara said and Shakti left the room.

"Well, what's your name?" Omkara asked Mr. Patel.

"Dandi sir."

"Okay Dandi, get me the Blueprint of the construction site." Omkara said as he removed his coat and sat on the chair rolling up his sleeves.

Omkara was deeply engrossed checking the files sitting in Shakti's cabin when he heard a knock on the door, distracting him.

"I will go and see." Dandi said raising from the coach that was in the corner of the office, where he was helping Omkara, with the files.

Omkara nodded and went back to check the files, as he heard the faint whispers that intrigued him.

"Ms. Sharma, Shakti sir isn't in his cabin. He is in a meeting with the staff and it might take a thirty minutes more than finish." Dandi informed as he stood by the door.

"Then why are you calling me, Ms. Sharma?" Gauri frowned, "Anyways good thing that he is not here, I brought you sweets." She said pulling out the sweet box from her handbag.

"Finally I graduated, yay!" Gauri exclaimed raising her hand for a hifi.

"Wow! Congratulations." Dandi said as he gave a hifi to Gauri. "So, that's why Shakti sir is looking so content today. He asked me to book tickets for your trip."

"Oh my god, I am so happy." Gauri said as she did a happy dance.

Hearing the happy squeal from the door, Omkara raised his head to look at the source and he looked at the the girl, who was standing by the door squealing in happiness, her dark hair dancing along with her,  gleaming brown eyes shining in joy, in her little white dress she looked like an angel, that Omkara couldn't waver his gaze away from her.

"Sorry for the interruption, sir." Dandi apologized as he walked inside the cabin after he spoke with Gauri.

"Who is she?" Omkara asked the questioned that has been intriguing him ever since he saw Gauri.

"That's Ms. Gauri Sharma, Mr.Sharma's daughter." Dandi informed. "Very kind and down to earth person, and the most loved person in the office, no wonder people are looking forward to work under her." He continued but Omkara was lost in the thoughts of Gauri, she was the most beautiful girl he saw, the only girl, who caught his eye, it was as if the cupid struck his arrow at him.

"Does she work in this office?" Omkara inquired.

"No sir, she graduated from her business school yesterday and next week, she is going to California to intern under Mr. Carson of Carson Industries." Dandi informed coolly, "Would you like that have anything, sir?"

"Yes, a few minutes of privacy and an Espresso." Omkara said and Dandi walked out.

"I didn't even meet her officially and she's already leaving next week, I can't let the only girl, who caught my eye slip away from me." Omkara thought determinedly.

Hey guys... Re-publishing Dream Crusher here so that readers can find Rikara stories at one place.

Shower your love on Rikara ♥️

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