The Spy - 5

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"Pinysh143" Gauri typed on the keypad as everyone else was enjoying the New Year's Eve party in Oberoi Mansion. "Please let it be the right password." Gauri prayed.

The keypad beeped and Gauri smiled bright as she twisted the knob and entered the room.

"Uncle Harsh is going to be so proud of me." Gauri mumbled as she began to search around the room to find the information file.

"Where did he keep the information?" Gauri mumbled as she checked different files but nothing gave out the information she needed.

She began to rummage through the stocks of files, as she was about to check another file, she heard the indistinct sound of the keys being pressed on the keypad.

"Shit." Gauri cursed as she hurriedly tucked the file in the shelf and his under the table, holding her breath.

"Umm... Slow down tiger, what's the hurry?" She heard a female moan followed by the sound of the zipper going down.

"We don't have much time, Maya. People would soon notice we are missing." Ajay said as he stripped out of his clothes.

Gauri smacked her head for getting struck in the unpleasant situation.

"Why can't he use the room that I cleaned and mopped in the morning and let me do my work." Gauri thought exasperated as she heard the moans getting louder.

"Having fun without me, brother?" Abhay spoke walking inside the room, making Gauri curse.

"You are free to join the party, Brother." Ajay chuckled making Gauri frown.

"Let's shift on to the table." Maya said as she walked towards the table, that Gauri was hiding under.

Gauri held her breath, as she saw the lady near the table and climb on to it.
She prayed hard that her cover doesn't blow up as people in the room began to do it like bunnies.

Gauri put her hands down on the floor trying her best to stay hidden as the table shook.

As she put her hands down on the floor, she heard a hallow sound making her frown, she gently tapped the floor she was squatting on and she heard a hallow sound again, and then she tapped on the floor behind her and it didn't make any sound.

Gauri smirked as she realised that even though she was thrown in a unpleasant situation it ended up turning into her favour as she found Shakti's secret chest.

Ignoring the moans of pleasure above her she slide opened the door of the secret chest that was cleverly camouflaged in between the tiles of the floor.

She clicked the pictures of the information in file she found in the chest, to check later, once she has confirmed it's the information she was looking for.

"Uncle Harsh is going to be so proud of me." Gauri thought as she kept the file back in the folder, and as she was about to close the door of the secret locker, her eye caught an envelope that was laying in the corner of the chest, with a red X marked on it.

"Abhay! Ajay! What the hell you guys are doing here?" Shakti's voice boomed in the room making Gauri close the door hurriedly.

"As you can see father, we are having fun with Maya." Abhay answered as he didn't care to stop his sinful acts.

"Why don't you join the party too, Dad." Ajay joked.

"Shut up, you idiots. I am trying to get you two married to Mr.Kapoors daughters, which would benefit us tremendously and here you are fucking this whore!" Shakti shouted in disgust.

" Shakti." Maya spoke as she sat up on the desk, not caring to cover her nudity. "You shouldn't forget that this is the same whore, you have spent several nights with." She smirked.

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