The Spy - 1

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"What the hell!" Pinky screamed at the top of her voice, spitting out her coffee. "Is this what you call a coffee?" She shouted at the trembling maid.

Shakti poked his head out of the file, he was reading while sitting on the living room couch, and got back to his work shaking his head.

"I have hired all these servants for nothing, they can't even make proper coffee." Pinky chided, "Hey, you..." She said looking at another maid, who was dusting the window panes, "Go and make me a proper coffee." She ordered.

"And you..." She said pointing her finger at the trembling maid, "Pack your bags and get lost, you are fired." She said and walked towards the couch."

"Darling... Why are you stressing out in these early hours of the day." Shakti asked as he took Pinky's hand into his.

"What to do, Shakti. These maids are so useless." Pinky huffed.

"Don't worry... I have asked  to get a new maid, someone who can do the work, without stressing out, my sweet heart." Shakti said kissing Pinky's hand, making her blush like a teenager.

"Oh Shakti... I am so blessed to have a loving husband like you. How can you love me so much."

"All these things are very meagre, when compared to what you have done, I am what I am today, just because of you." Shakti said looking at Pinky.

"Oh stop it, Shakti." Pinky said holding his hand, "It's nothing."

"Where is Abhay and Ajay?" Shakti asked looking around to find his sons.

"Abhay is in New York partying with his friends, and Ajay went cruising." Pinky informed.

"These guys... Why can't they join the business." Shakti shook his head.

"Shakti, whatever we are earning, it's for them, let them enjoy their life." Pinky said.


"Shakti Sir." Shakti was interrupted by Khanna, their security officer. "Dandi is here to meet you."

"Send him in, Khanna." Shakti said.

Soon Dandi, a pious looking man, walked inside with a woman following him closely behind.

"Greetings, Shakti sir." Dandi bowed infront of Shakti. "I brought a maid to work at Oberoi Mansion." He said gesturing at the woman behind him.

The lady looked short and petite, dressed in a faded dress, that seemed to have seen better days, her face was covered with a veil that except for the outline of her head, one couldn't see her face.

"This is Anamika, she lives in my neighbour in Bareilly. She was married off to a man at a very young age, and her husband soon after marriage, left her and went to Gulf for labour and haven't returned till then. Her mother is sick and their financial condition isn't good, so she wanted some work to support her family." Dandi gave a brief introduction.

"Hmm... What about this veil on her head?" Pinky questioned looking at the lady in disgust.

"In my Village, the married woman aren't allowed to show their faces to anyone but their husband." Dandi explained.

"Whatever." Pinky rolled her eyes, "I hope atleast this one does the work correctly without pissing me off."

"She will, Pinky Madam." Dandi chuckled. "I had seen her working her ass off doing household chores since she was a child, she is a good worker, I can guarantee you on it."

"I trust you, Dandi. You are the one, who helps us with hiring the maids in Oberoi Mansion." Shakti said, "Did you speak with her regarding the pay and all?"

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