The Spy 2.0

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Three years later:

"I can't live without you, the pain is too much for me, I love you, Anamika." Omkara said standing by the cliff, before he jumped.

"Omkara..." Gauri shouted as she woke up startled.

She looked around and found herself in her room.

"It's a dream." Gauri mumbled closing her eyes taking deep breathes.

Ever since she left Omkara, she had been having these nightmares.

"Gauri..." Anika, Gauri's friend and flatmate, shouted banging on her door. "Gauri, it's half past eight O'clock, wake up you lazy ass."

"I woke up already, and I am getting ready, Anika." Gauri shouted as she squeezed herself into her skin tight jeans, hurriedly buttoning up the blouse.

"Five more minutes, and I am leaving to the clinic and you can find yourself a cab." Anika threatened.

"Just give me two minutes, Anika." Gauri shouted back as she combed and left open her hair, and ran outside of her room. "I am ready." She gasped looking at Anika, who was putting on her shoes.

"Let's hurry up." Anika said stepping out with Gauri following her.

"Here's your destination." Anika said, stopping her car in front of Gauri's office. "I will be a bit late in the evening."

"Thanks Anika, I will take the bus." Gauri said, "And I will cook the dinner for us."

"Please try to make your special Dal-Chawal." Anika requested.

"Sure, have a great day at work." Gauri waved at Anika and walked towards her office.

SR tech, one of the best and renowned architectural companies in NewYork, after completing her Master's the previous year, Gauri was lucky to get a job in SR tech through the placements.

"Ms. Sharma, Mr.Shastri was asking for you." Amelia, the receptionist has informed her as soon as she entered the building.

Gauri thanked her and ran towards the lifts. Arjun Shastri, Gauri's team manager, was a pain in neck, he does less work, but spends most of his time bossing around, and showing off his knowledge. When in reality he can't even take a blue print of design without fumbling around, she wondered how he managed to get a job in the organisation.

"Have you asked for me, Arjun?" Gauri asked after entering into Arjun's room.

"Yes," Arjun nodded, "We have a client meeting in an hour, and we have to present the designs. Make sure, you have everything set and the PPT is all ready."

"But, you said the meeting is on Wednesday, it's Monday today." Gauri asked, confused.

"They preponed the meeting to Monday, lastweek. I forgot to inform you, please make sure everything goes fine." Arjun said making Gauri want to bang his head into the wall.

"Sure, Arjun." Gauri said with a polite smile and walked towards her cubicle.

"Started already?" Fabian, her teammate, asked her as they walked towards the coffee machine.

"Can you believe that the Wednesday meeting got postponed to Monday, and he didn't think it's necessary to inform me, bloody MF." Gauri vented out her frustration. "All he does in a day is eat, sleep and boss around."

"He is being paid to just eat and sleep in his cabin, I wish I could find a job like him where I can sleep, eat and boss around." Fabian laughed. "So, when is the meeting?"

"In an hour." Gauri said sipping her coffee.

"Seriously girl, you have to run to your desk now." Fabian exclaimed.

Tales of the Love जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें