At the moment she wrote as much as possible, tuning out everyone except for the teacher during lessons so she could remember the shit from the lessons as good as possible. She barely had time for breaks anymore, in which she mainly just sat to herself and either studied math, or English.

After school consisted of training with Katsuki, Shota or Izuku at Gym Gamma, all to retrieve her quirks full capacity again. Then she stayed up till around 1 A.M to study the things she had missed in school, of course Katsuki was with her all during that time, watching a movie, or just keeping her company.

Elena wrote swiftly, her words fluttering out as she remembered every word he spoke. 'At one point I could just cheat during exams, but dad would probably keep an eye on me..' Elena thought briefly, sticking her tongue out as she concentrated.

Katsuki had his eyes on her back the whole time, finding her fascinating how she managed to deal with everything at one time. He knew she had planned everything in a small schedule. During weekends she had planned to take Saturday off, mainly studying in the night before she went to sleep late at night, woke up later in the morning and went back to studying.

At the same time his worry rose for her. He didn't want her to overwork herself too much. Hence why he made sure she slept at a reasonable time at night, and helped her by explaining different aspects in math, or other subjects. He was third in the mid terms last time.

Momo being first, Izuku second and him third. Then fourth came Todoroki. Surprisingly, Mina, Kirishima, Denki, etcetera had actually got ahold of their grades, all thanks to Hitoshi really. Hitoshi managed to get fifth in the midterms, being the best friend of one of the smartest people he knew his whole life, was a perk at one point.

The midterms were taken while Elena was under sleep, hence why she wasn't able to take them. "That's all for today everybody! Read page 135-147 for the next lesson, class dismissed." Hizashi finally exclaimed.

Elena wrote the homework on her hand with a small marker. That week she had three homework due to the same day. Math homework, English homework, as well as Japanese homework. The biggest pain in her ass was Math.

She had missed so much in math that she was behind with almost two books. Of course she managed to retrieve half a book of work one weekend, studying non stop. Katsuki had helped her a lot during the time, seeing her stressed figure made him feel bad, so he had explained everything to her to the best of his abilities.

Elena put her English book away before she grabbed her math from her bag. She had 10 minutes before the next period, and she was already studying math. Katsuki crept up behind her, kissing her head before he sat down beside her.

"Alright, just figure out Sinus and you'll get the angle of that triangle's edge. Use the Hypothenuse and the opposite catheter to figure that out. Divide the opposite catheter with the hypothenuse." Katsuki explained, pointing in the book.

"Yeah, I know you taught me yesterday." Elena uttered, writing into her book. Katsuki smirked slightly and kissed her temple. "You're doing great. I'll help you all the way." He whispered against her ear. A smile adorned her face at his words.

"I know, my love. But how do I do here? Is it arcus sinus?" Elena asked, looking at him.

"Yeah well..."


"I brought you churros, and ice cream." Katsuki's voice suddenly interrupted the intense silence in the room. Elena was sat at Katsuki's desk, her head deep into the words in the book. She was currently reading an English book, since it was a project they had only a few months ago, she decided to read it and write in an essay for English about it.

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