6.4 Deceive Yourself-But Your Heart And Soul Know The Truth

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Sagan cut slits up her thighs in the short silk nightgown she'd bought with three months of her allowance. A pale silver, it reminded her of the flecks in Korac's eyes. In case he missed the hint, the slits allowed her to fight in her lingerie. Sagan knew Korac would appreciate that.

Since he'd kissed her last year, they'd done just about every other physical act together aside from actual sex. But tonight was the night. Sagan could feel it.

She brushed her short blond bob, spritzed on some perfume, and shaved her legs extra smooth. The ankle brace ruined some of the effect. As Sagan's latest accessory, courtesy of Justin, the brace's presence always seemed to affect Korac's composure. He'd let Sagan see a killer beneath the mask, and it made her want Korac even more.

Was it weird to put on eyeliner before snuggling under the covers? Or was it weirder this was the first time Sagan had bothered to wear makeup since Justin trapped her in a nightmare?

A violet confusion stared back at Sagan in the mirror.

She missed Rayne. Like a valve had closed in her heart, Sagan ached to make Rayne smile. A storm hovered over her best friend, gusting away any potential for happiness.

And it was Sagan's fault.

Yet, here she was, preparing to sleep with the Icarean secret in her dreams.

"Compartmentalize and focus on what you can control, Sagan." She told herself in the mirror. "We can't control Justin, but by god, we can take what little joy where we can find it."

With fresh resolve, Sagan went to bed and opened her eyes in Korac's quarters. The fire kept out the January cold, and Sagan appreciated the ambiance. But where was Korac?

"You look beautiful."

Sagan turned and found him perched on the back of a chair like a magnificent bird of prey. It sent a thrill through her and stole her breath away. And that was before she could see he was shirtless.

Korac walked off his perch with a graceful step in his silk white pajama bottoms. They hung off his hips in a way which emphasized his prominent hip bones.

Sagan knew Korac was in peak physical condition, but seeing all of it exposed brought a blush to her cheeks.

Korac let out a sound between a sigh and a growl before saying, "I love the way you look at me." In response, he raked his pale eyes down the low cut of Sagan's lingerie and where it clung to her hips and thighs. "I appreciate the slits."

Sagan's blush burned deeper.

Korac smirked, taking a step closer. He reached up and gripped the canopy rail on the massive bed. The stretched pose let the firelight touch his abs, ribs, and chest.

It was almost too much for Sagan. She felt faint.

"What are your terms?" Korac didn't need to say what he meant.

By the fire reflected in his eyes, Sagan knew. "I want you to have all of me."

As Korac leaned into the pose, all that silky white hair fell forward and concealed his reaction. Desire thickened his elegant cadence as he asked, "Are you certain you know what you're offering?"

The heat in his voice gave Sagan goosebumps. She breathed, "Yes."

Contrary to his composure, Korac ran a hand through his hair and exposed the intensity in his gaze. He let go of the canopy and held out his hand. "Come here."

Without hesitation, Sagan took it and let Korac pull her close. Her eyelids fluttered shut, and she raised her chin for a kiss.

A metallic chink startled Sagan into opening her eyes, and something cold encased her wrist. Korac took both her hands and held them high to the canopy's railing.

It was a shackle.

Korac looped it through the canopy and clasped it to her free wrist. Sagan's heart pounded until she had difficulty catching her breath. He glanced at her, and there was something innocent in his expression despite the bondage.

The man of Sagan's dreams wanted to ensure she was into it. Or at least not afraid. Warmth pooled in her chest and other places. She let it show in her eyes, but in case Korac didn't get the message, she said, "I trust you."

The fire flickered, lighting the fascination in Korac's eyes. "We'll test the extent of it, tonight." Even when he held up a blindfold, Sagan kept her eyes on him. Satisfied, he shook his head as if impressed before instructing, "No sight. No touch. Don't make a sound unless I say. Safety word?"

Sagan beamed. "Butterfly."

Hours later, Korac kissed Sagan's sore wrists, assuring, "Once you have a nacre, you won't sustain injuries like these anymore."

"I've asked Xelan about nacres multiple times throughout the years, and he's always evaded me." Sagan liked the way Korac nestled her against him. The way he cared for her after...


Wow. They did damned near everything, and Sagan was deliciously sore from it. For the first time since these dreams began, she wished the sensations would last into waking life.

Korac kissed her hair and scratched a light circle with one nail along Sagan's back. Being naked with him felt right, unlike—


Justin wasn't welcome here.

After the spike of anxiety dissipated, Sagan noticed a tension missing from Korac. Despite the usual easiness between them, there had been a rigidity to him. Until they'd melted it away together.

Three times.

Sagan shored up the nerve to ask, "Was something bothering you before...?"

Korac scratched a little deeper, sending a shiver of desire through Sagan. With undisguised satisfaction, he said, "Management and I are competing on a project. Last night, they progressed ahead of me—further than I'd thought possible. But after you and I..."

Sagan blushed.

"Well, let's just say our time together improved my standing by leagues."

Korac's explanation went a little over Sagan's head, but it pleased her to help. "If you ever need more improvement, I'm here for you."

His chuckle vibrated in his chest beneath Sagan, almost like a purr. She loved the sound and relished her effect on Korac.

It was time.

"Korac, I love—"

He kissed Sagan, swallowing her confession. A deep, exploring kiss which quickly became more.


Before they did anything else, Sagan would tell Korac she loved him. Tomorrow.

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