𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼

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[A/N] Hii everybody! I should be revising rn but i'm writing this so that just shows how dedicated i am lol.


Pls comment and vote!



Me and Jean talked for ages. We took it in turns asking each other questions and then answering them honestly. Some questions were genuine. Some were random. I asked him about all of the food on the picnic blanket and he said that he had made it. There was an assortment of different fruit, some tarts, baguettes, pasta. Everything you could imagine! A particular cake stood out to me though. It was small and decorated with red and white icing with small red hearts along the side. Swirls of buttercream were dotted along it.

"What about this cake? Did you make it too?"

"That, was made by my mom. She wanted to make something for you."

"Wait. You told her about me?"

"Welllll she was asking about you so I told her that we were going on a date."

I blushed at the thought of that. Mrs K did see me and Jean talking at the diner last night so it wasn't really a surprise that she was curious. It was really cute that Jean willingly told her about me. His relationship with his mom was the most adorable thing.

"You can save the cake later if you want. We can eat it another time".

"That sounds good!"

Jean quickly went to put the cake into his car to keep it safe and he rushed back to sit beside me.

The waves crashed against the shore as we chatted. It was a very peaceful atmosphere, being out here with Jean. I watched as a flock of birds flew in front of us and continued on into the distance. It was gorgeous. So beautiful! The sun was slowly beginning to set and the sky was beginning to merge into an ombre of yellows, oranges and pinks. I heard a camera click and looked over my shoulder at Jean, who was holding his phone in his hand.

"What was that for?"

"I'm just taking a picture of the beautiful sunset. I'm savouring the memory".

"You sure you weren't taking a photo of me?"


He looked away and I raised my eyebrows. I'm not stupid. I held my hand out for him to pass me the phone and he did so, reluctantly. I saw a beautiful photo of me staring at the sunset while smiling. I looked truly happy.

"You looked pretty. I couldn't help myself".

"Oh Jean you do know how to please a girl don't you".

I smiled at him warmly and handed the phone back. He tucked it into his pocket and stood up, extending his hand to me. I looked up at him, perplexed.

"Come with me Y/N".

I accepted his hand and he pulled me up. We ran along to beach, towards the ocean. The sand was soft between my toes, almost like a blanket. My heels were long gone by now. Jean took me to the water edge and we stood there, looking over the horizon. We stood there in silence for a bit and i turned to look at him. His side profile was gorgeous. A sharp jawline with small amounts of stubble growing along it. Plump, red lips with a silver lip ring around them. Golden hair. Captivating eyes that were beaming. How could I get this lucky to have somebody this attractive be interesting in me?

Jean felt me staring. He knew I was. He turned to me and smirked.

"And what are you staring at, pretty girl?"

Hold Me Tight || Jean KirsteinWhere stories live. Discover now