46. Valentine's Day: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Okay," I hear her quiet response.

I start walking, taking only a few steps at a time and keeping my other hand out in case she trips.

Her left hand is held tightly in my right hand while the other moves around, trying to feel for anything around us.

We walk to the back of the mansion, the cool breeze welcoming us now that the building isn't in the way.

Y/N shivers again, this time from the cold.

I wrap my arm around her, pulling her close.

"Just a little longer, love."

My feet crunch on the grass and I notice the dewdrops glistening against the green. Y/N seems to notice the change too and she stumbles as the ground sinks a few inches lower.  

"You should have just carried me," she says after a while. We continue moving through the grass, going deeper and deeper into the forest.

The sunlight peeks through the canopy of green leaves overhead with dark brown branches swooping so low that I have to duck.

Birds occasionally fly overhead, often perching in their nests or on branches to sing.

"What happened to not wanting help?"

I take the moment to examine her face. Her pink lips are slightly parted as she steps over branches and around shrubs.

"That was before I knew we were going to be trudging through a forest," she grumbles. I let out a chuckle as she trips over a branch with a scowl. "You better not be kidnapping me."

I stop walking and let her crash into my chest. My left-hand wraps around her back, keeping her there.

"And what if I was?" I ask, my voice dropping a few octaves. "What would you be able to do about it? You're in a pretty red dress and heels, plus my mafia is back at the mansion only a quarter mile away. Anything could happen to you love, and no one would know." I keep my lips against her ear, waiting to see her reaction. 

"You forget I'm a mafia leader too. And as the saying goes, never leave home without a knife, gun, and tracker," she whispers back.

I scoff and push her off my chest so we can continue walking.

"That's no fun."

Her dainty steps crunch the leaves and sticks behind me while my heavier steps crush the larger branches ahead.

"We almost there?" Y/N asks, slightly breathless.

"I can recall you leading me through a forest on our first date," I muse. A flash of red comes into view and I gently steer Y/N toward it. 

"You weren't in a dress and heels," she grumbles back.

(Please don't ask how Y/N's dress didn't rip or get torn during their little trek through the forest. I honestly don't know)

I pull her to a stop in the middle of the clearing and leave her alone for a second. I notice one of the heart balloons has floated off and I quickly pluck it from the branches, tying it back to the chair.

"Dream?" My name is a whisper, hesitantly spoken from her soft lips.

"Yes, love?" I call. I watch her slowly turn in my direction.

"Where are you?"

I fingers finish looping the silver ribbon into a pretty bow and I walk toward her. She backs up a bit but I grab her hand anyways.

"Right here, darling."

I press her hand against my lips. I notice a red polish decorating her nails and silver rings glittering on her fingers. Her face is slightly flushed pink and her breathing is unsteady.

Silver and gold.

Y/N's other hand reaches up to undo the blindfold but I grab that hand too.

"Not yet."

I move so I'm behind her body, my arms wrapping tightly around her waist.

I can feel her heart beating as my fingers run up and down the smooth satin of the dress.


She nods, the smell of her hair filling my nostrils. The scent of coconuts and oranges.

Her fingers find the edge of the red silk but they don't lift yet.

"3," I begin to count down. My palms start to sweat and I feel butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

What if she doesn't like it?

What if it's too cliche?


What if someone's done this for her before?

What if she thinks I'm not good enough?


Y/N pulls the blindfold off, accidentally bumping me in the jaw but I could care less.

Her face lights up like the sun hitting a glacier, beautiful, white, and dazzling.

Her hands drop to mine and she turns her head to look up at me.

"Do you like it?" I ask in a hoarse whisper.

"I love it."


1,428 words

Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger again!

The next chapter will be part 3 and then the smut chapter. I'll put a warning so if you're uncomfortable with that, you don't have to read it.

This valentines date may be the last moment of peace Y/N and Dream have so enjoy it.

I'm about to pick up the action right where we left off.

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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