4A: Levi's Tent (Levi x Reader)

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I figured I didn't want to think about Eren and Mikasa at that moment, so I ended up sliding inside Levi's tent!

(y/n) quietly wiggled her way beside him, still inside her own sleeping bag.

Did he wake up? I think I would have noticed if he did... (y/n) thought, fearing for her life.

She covered herself entirely in her sleeping bag.

"(y/n)..." she heard his angry, sleepy voice.


"Please don't make me go out there..." (y/n) whimpered. The rain was now heavier, making noise as it landed on Levi's tent.

"If I weren't this tired, I'd be strangling you right now," he murmured.

Yes, Master. "I like your sleepy voice. It's cute," (y/n) said out loud, alcohol taking the best of her again.

Even in his sleepy state, Levi managed to make a 'tch' sound.

"Just shut up and sleep, brat," he said, but (y/n) had already fallen peacefully asleep by then, a small smile on her face. She knew she made the right decision that night.

Levi woke up, his biological clock on point. It was early morning, the sun just rising. He sat up in his small tent and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked over to his side, where (y/n) was still fast asleep. She had her mouth slightly open, and her (h/c) hair was messy. Levi smiled slightly. He figured waking up to the sight of her wasn't so bad. He moved a strand of her hair out of her face. He then put his hand on her shoulder and shook her gently.

"Wake up, brat. We're leaving soon," he said, his voice low and cracking slightly.

"Nooo... It's still dark out..." (y/n) groaned as she turned over, hiding her face in the blankets.

"(y/n), I won't tell you twice," he warned.

She wanted to stand her ground and refuse him, and she did, for the first two seconds. On the third, she sat up and faced him, not daring to defy his direct orders.

"Good. You listened for once," he said.

"Well, you are my superior now." And how could I resist such a sexy morning voice?

Levi started rolling up his sleeping bag. "Don't just sit there. Clean up your act."

(y/n) sighed as she crawled out of her sleeping bag. She sat on her knees as she started rolling it up like Levi did, only she did a poor job.

Levi  noticed that she was only wearing a shirt and panties. He let out a small cough.

(y/n) looked at him and then at herself. An mischievous smirk planted across her face. "Usually, I'm properly dressed... Just when I'm around you... My pants seem to just... fly right off..." she said, obviously trying to cause trouble.

Levi stared at her shortly. "You'd better stop that teasing of yours soon."

"Or what?" she pushed on, edging closer to him with a smirk on her face. One side of her shirt dropped, revealing a shoulder.

"Captain Levi, we- uhh..." said Gunther who had just stuck his head inside the tent. "Am... I interrupting?" he asked, shocked by what he saw. What happened here between these two? She's hardly dressed! 

(y/n) shrieked and covered herself with her sleeping bag.

"It's-, uhm, it's not what you think!" she squeaked, her cheeks very red.

"Uhm, right." Gunther now turned to Levi. "Sir, I shall ready the horses for departure."

"Thank you," Levi said calmly.

Gunther left, trying to keep himself from laughing.

(y/n) buried her face in her sleeping bag, feeling very ashamed.

"Well, you sure got what you deserved," Levi said.

He grabbed her sleeping bag out of her hands and started rolling it up for her. Partly because she was obviously incapable of doing it correctly, and partly because he wanted to see her blushing face. And maybe partly because he liked seeing her in her underwear, although he didn't let himself think that so straightforwardly.

"Jerk," she mumbled.

"Just go put on some pants, brat."

Just as she got out of the tent, Eren emerged from his.

"(y/n)?" he questioned, an obvious frown forming on his lips. What the hell?

"It's not what you think, trust me," she muttered as she walked over to her clothes and started pulling her pants on. She was too busy looking at the ground to see Eren approach her from behind.

He lightly tapped her ass with his thigh. (y/n) gasped.

"Tell me," he said, half angry half playful. "Why did you emerge out of the Captain's tent looking all sexy like this?"

Eren thinks I'm sexy? "Um, it started to rain last night, and I was tipsy as hell and I literally crashed inside the first tent I saw. It just happened to be Levi's."

Eren raised a brow. "Is that all?"

(y/n) grinned. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Eren scoffed. "I hate you. Come on, let's get moving."

(y/n) realized just then, the reason Eren stood behind her was to prevent others from seeing (y/n) bent over and changing. Apparently, every single person in Levi's squad had their heads turned in her direction at that moment.

Fucking Eren, thought (y/n), smiling gratefully.

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