20: The Hideout

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And so we began our mission. I got kidnapped along with Sasha (disguised as Historia) and Jean (disguised as Eren). 

***Author's note: Canonically, Armin is disguised as Historia but since this is timeskip Armin and he's a whole lot taller and handsomer, I couldn't go this route! So, I took poor Sasha there instead. ***

Sasha and I both got groped by the merchant strangers, and once we were finally rescued, Levi took it personally to see to the one that messed with me... 

I wonder if he killed him...

It didn't take much to convince Dimo Reeves to switch sides once Levi and Armin got to speaking, under four conditions.

One, the Reeves company will rise against the interior police and the government together with the Survey Corps.

Two, the Reeves company will full heartedly trust the Survey Corps.

Three, whenever the Reeves company obtains rare foods or luxury items, they will preferentially give it to the Survey Corps. For example, black tea. (Sasha loved this particular condition the most.)

Four, the Reeves company will ensure that none of their men treat anyone like they treated (y/n) and Sasha.


"We'll head to the hideout where Eren and Historia have been all day. I'd rather them not come looking for us if we fail to show up before nightfall," spoke Levi. He turned to Reeves, who was dusting himself off. "You'll be coming with us. I'll need to tell you exactly how we can ensure both your safety as well as ours, and I'll need to brief you all in on Erwin's plan, which we can start hopefully as soon as tomorrow."

They headed off down the Wall and to the horses, most of them still weary of Dimo. He switched sides  quickly.

On the way back, (y/n) was sitting next to Jean, closely shoulder to shoulder since it was quite cold outside. She wanted to take a short nap while they were travelling anyway, and so she rested her head against Jean's arm.

Jean automatically reached out to hold her. She casually glanced up and noticed that he was looking off to the side, a grim expression on his face.

"I failed to protect you," he muttered under his breath. I don't deserve you.

"Jean?" (y/n) furrowed her eyebrows. She could tell he was extremely upset with himself.

Jean turned to face her, a forced smile on his lips. He rubbed her arm, trying to warm her up. "Sorry, don't mind me. Please rest."

(y/n) hesitated. A big part of her wanted to comfort Jean, but she knew by doing so, she would be allowing her heart to open up again... for yet another person. Especially considering she still hadn't figured out her shit yet. What do I do?

After what seemed like a few hours, they arrived.

It was a small cabin on the side of a mountain road. It was right at the edge of a small rocky cliff, surrounded by a cobblestone wall, so that you couldn't accidentally fall off. A small cobblestone outlook-tower was beside the wooden house.

(y/n) couldn't understand how there would be enough room for all of them to even temporarily stay there.

Levi led them to the living room, and after pulling up the rug, he revealed a trapdoor in the floorboards, followed by a stone staircase.

"Here is where the actual hideout is. This cabin is just the cover," he explained, as all of them looked on in awe.

As (y/n) descended, the first person she saw, to her relief, was Eren. She waved at him. He smiled in return, happy to see her unharmed. He only hoped (y/n) hadn't experienced anything detrimental. From the looks of it, everyone seemed alright and in one piece. If anything did happen, the group had made it quite clear it was a topic that would never be discussed with Eren or Historia.

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